"But words are things, and a small drop of ink, Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think." - George Gordon, Lord Byron

What will you do with your 26?

Will you malign or motivate?

Will you hate or love?

Will you create or destroy?

It’s almost impossible to comprehend the power behind the 26 building blocks of the English language.

Alone each letter seems to be powerless, just one small squiggle that is easily ignored. But when put together with thought and order they have the power to set the world on fire.

If English is your first language then each thought you express externally or internally is a collection of words build from these 26 blocks.

So, what will you do today with you 26?

I’m using mine to tell you how much I appreciate you.  And that the world would not be the same without you.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it someone you like.