
Can you hear that?

It’s your mind.

What’s it saying?

What is that little voice in your head up to?

Is it on your side or against you?

Is it telling you all the things you can do, or is it saying, ‘you can‘t do that?’

Does it whisper, ‘they’re watching you,’ so you better not mess up, or does it say, ‘they’re always going to watch you, so go ahead and give it your best shot?’

The little chatterbox in your head will never go away. Sometimes it might seem as though it’s gone quiet, but it’s just waiting for the right opportunity to speak up. And you already know when that is, right when you’re about to ‘step out of line.’

So how should you handle the voice in your head?

You should recognize it, appreciate it for its input, and then decide what you want to do.

If what it’s saying moves you towards the kind of person you want to be and the life you want to live, then great, but if not, remind it that you’re in control.

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