If you judge people, you have no time to love them. ― Mother Teresa

Did you see what he was wearing?

What was he thinking?

Why doesn’t she say hello?

Does she think she’s too good for me?

Why is he always happy?

He must have it so easy.

You are judging people all day long because it’s your nature.

Humans are constantly filtering for – is this person in the tribe or not?

You’re always thinking, asking if you can trust them or not.

And the judgment happens within a blink of an eye. The moment you see a person or hear them speak, your brain goes on autopilot and starts judging.

This auto-judging doesn’t give you the opportunity to get to know a person since you’ve already made decisions about them.

Not auto-judging is challenging because it takes time and effort.

It takes self-awareness.

Allow yourself to occasionally practice not judging and not jumping to conclusions about a person based on a moment’s interaction. You might be pleasantly surprised to find that your initial judgment about them was totally wrong, and they might even feel the same about you too.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.