How many imperfect decisions do you make every day?
If you’re like most people then I would guess you make a lot of them. But you don’t realize that they’re imperfect because they seem trivial.
The breakfast you eat.
The car you drive.
The clothes you wear.
The kind of shampoo you use.
And many more just like these are all imperfect decisions.
But you’re okay with these decisions because in your mind they are easily correctable, and if you didn’t make them you’d be stuck and would never do anything.
The people you see and perhaps even admire that are doing great things in their lives are also making imperfect decisions.
They’re just willing to make them on a grander scale.
You might see them change careers, experiment with big ideas or re-locate thousands of miles from their homes all based on imperfect information.
They have learned to get used to making imperfect decisions because they realize that they will rarely have all the information needed to make a perfect decision.
You too will almost never have all the information you need to make a perfect decision and the interesting thing about information is that it can also change with circumstances and time.
So if you find yourself stuck in area of life that you want to change then don’t wait for more perfect information.
Start making imperfect decisions.
And remember, everything you see around you was made by people that knew that they had to start with imperfect decisions.
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