Just try new things. Don't be afraid. Step out of your comfort zones and soar. – Michelle Obama

Have you ever met the vacation version of you?

If you have, then you know exactly who I’m talking about.

I’m talking about the version of you that is able to express beyond your usual inhibitions, the version of you that’s maybe a little, or in some cases a lot more adventurous than the everyday version of you. The version of you that’s willing to try new things or speak and interact with new people without hesitation.

Now why is there a difference between the vacation version of you and the everyday version of you?

Because the vacation version of you isn’t bound by the same environment as the normal version of you, it’s almost as though the vacation version has escaped gravity.  Even though technically you’re the same you, you’re able to act and be different. You’re your own version of Jekyll and Hyde.

Now why can’t you summon up the vacation you on demand?

I’m sure you can, but you probably don’t think it’s appropriate to act as though you’re on vacation when you’re not.

And you’re correct. That is if you’re doing it all the time.

But occasionally?

You have access to all kinds of personalities and roles within you, and once in a while changing up who you are allows you to have different experiences. Now this is not a call to abdicate responsibility, it’s just a suggestion that every so often, allow vacation you to show up during normal you time, and enjoy the shift in your experiences and perspective.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.