Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Read the previous line again.

Now stop for a moment and think about it.

What is it you plan to do?

How often do you spend time thinking about your life? Not in a way where you get caught up in what happened in the past or what’s currently top of mind, but instead, sitting and digging deep into the kind of life you want to live.

Making the switch from living reactive to proactive is entirely possible at any age. And yes, there will be times when due to unplanned events you will have to be reactive, but what if that was exception and not the rule?

In fact, planning can also help you with the unplanned. Yes, I know it sounds contradictory, but hear me out. What if you could decide ahead of time how you’d respond to the some of the surprises in life? And yes there are always exceptions, and usually it’s not the good surprises that tend to bother you, so essentially you only need to have a plan for how you would respond to some of the unpleasant situations that are inevitable in life.

You don’t need to spend days or even weeks planning, unless of course you enjoy doing so. Even a few minutes a day can be helpful. It can be that little nudge you need to keep you on track towards the kind of life you want to live.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.