Motivational quote by Buddha

What is your self-care routine?

Do you have one, or are you just flying by the seat of your pants, hoping that your body and mind will keep up with you?

Self-care doesn’t mean spending a lot of time or money on yourself. It means devoting intentional time to rest and recuperation.

It means taking a few minutes every day to invest in your body and mind.

It means putting yourself first.

Self-care is important because it reminds you that you are important too.  And the feeling that you are important increases your self-worth which in turn directly affects how you show up for others.

Self-care is not about de-prioritizing other responsibilities. It’s about adding yourself to your list of responsibilities.

Your self-care routine could be as simple as taking a daily walk, spending a few minutes reading, or even a short meditation session. It could be something that says, ‘This is my time, and I’m going to spend it on me because I’m important too.’

So, get in the habit of carving out time for self-care. If you feel any guilt about taking time for yourself, as some people do, try to convince yourself that you’re doing it because it’ll make other people happier to be around you. In essence, you’re doing it for them, not you.

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