Motivational quote by Paul Arden

Would you like to hear people say these things about you?

You’re caring.

You’re capable

You’re confident.

You’re kind.

You’re lovable.

You’re smart.

You’re thoughtful.

Do you think these things about yourself?

Scratch that.

Do you believe these things about yourself?

You see, how you view yourself will be amplified and then communicated within every interaction you have. Your view of yourself will show up in your actions, body language, and words when speaking to people.

Focusing on behaving and building the character traits you want to be known for is much easier than convincing others, and once you begin to act in alignment with how you feel about yourself, others will also start to see you that way.

Your thoughts about yourself are your keys to how others perceive you and what they’ll say about you. And although your identity shouldn’t depend on what people say and think about you, navigating socially is easier when people view you positively.

So begin to believe in yourself and what you want others to believe about you, and you’ll find that over time, people will indeed see you and how you think of yourself.

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