Motivational quote by Martin Luther

What is Bernoulli’s Principle?

If you know, then pat yourself on your back because only a few people can remember the lesson from their high school science classes.

Bernoulli’s Principle states that “For any airfoil generating lift, there must be a pressure imbalance, i.e. lower average air pressure on the top than on the bottom. Bernoulli’s principle states that this pressure difference must be accompanied by a speed difference.”

Isn’t that amazing?

Just kidding!

Let me simplify.

Air must pass over the top of an airplane’s airfoil or wing faster than the bottom of the wing to create lift and keep it afloat.

That’s right. Air!

The job of a propeller or jet engine is to move the aircraft forward in such a way that the Bernoulli Principle can work. But it’s all based on air.

When was the last time you saw air?

You know it’s all around you because, hopefully, you’re breathing it right now.

So here we are as a collective species basing our entire existence on something we take for granted yet cannot hear, see, or touch unless under certain controlled circumstances.

That’s a lot of faith.

What if you could use that same faith to propel yourself forward through life, knowing that certain principles are working for you, too?

What if there’s also a version of the Bernoulli Principle for humans?

It might exist, but you won’t find it unless you have faith, and not necessarily faith in a religious context, although that might and does work for some people. But faith that there are indeed other forces beyond your capacity to understand that are just waiting to be activated by you.

So, the next time you see an airplane, remember that its entire premise is based on the invisible and visible working together—and this applies to your life, too.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, don’t keep it secret – share it with one person you love.