Motivational quote by Judith Orloff

How much emotional interest do you charge?

When someone slights or wrongs you, how long do they have to continue paying for their original transgression?

Do you continue to remind them?

Do you make sure they never forget?

How about you?

How much emotional interest do you pay?

When you experience a negative emotional event in your life, how long do you continue carrying it with you, essentially paying for it over and over again?

If you’re like the majority of people, you probably only have an emotional interest in negative events and very quickly forget positive events.

Rarely do you see someone happy and smiling about a great event that happened to them a week ago, but traces of a negative event tend to linger in their psyche for much longer.

Albert Einstein once said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.” And this is because it allows the interest on money to earn interest, growing on itself like a snowball.

Emotions will do the same if you let them.

The longer you decide to carry an emotion about an event the stronger it will grow, basically compounding interest on top of your original emotion.

So your choices are: How much emotional interest do you want to charge others, and perhaps even more importantly, how much emotional interest do you want to pay?

Be careful and choose wisely. Overcharging interest to others or overpaying yourself might lead to emotional bankruptcy.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, don’t keep it secret – share it with one person you love.