Motivational quote by Bill Gates

When you take the quickest route?

When you shave a few minutes of a meeting?

When you multitask?

When you’re hyper-efficient?

What do you do with all the time you save?

Do you spend it on others or yourself?

Or do you continue to find other ways to save time?

Being effective and being efficient is not the same.

In fact,  there is a considerable body of recent research showing that much of the anxiety and stress that people are suffering from is because they are attempting to do too much in too little time.

Modern machines and computers give the illusion that everything can be made to go faster and more efficient, but humans aren’t machines.

Humans are nature, and nature has its own rhythm and speed.

In nature, we expect a flower or plant to bloom or produce fruit at its own unique speed.

Like nature, each person is unique and endowed with their own ideal operating speed. While there will be times that call for more intensity or speed, performing full out over a long period of time will eventually break machines and humans alike.

If you find yourself attempting to insert efficiency in every aspect of your life, you won’t find that you’ll get life done quicker than anyone else. And if you’re like most people, the time you save will rarely be spent on something more productive or useful.

So you decide.

Do you want to be effective or efficient?

Do you want to be and live like a human or a machine?

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