Share our similarities, celebrate our differences. M. Scott Peck

Can you believe she did that?

Can you believe he said that?

What were they thinking?

Sorry, but what were you thinking?


I get it.

It’s because that’s not what you would have done or said.

You would have done or said it differently.

Yes, but they aren’t you; obviously, you are not them.

Then why the shock and surprise?

Were you expecting them to be just like you?

Can you imagine a world where we act and react – just like you?


Neither can I.

According to science, at our core DNA level, we are 99.9% the same, but it’s that .1% that makes us different in what seems to be millions of different ways.

It’s our differences that make us unique, and yes, that includes you.

So, although you might sometimes have trouble expressing or masking your disbelief about another person’s actions, remember that someone else probably feels or thinks the same thing about you, too.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, don’t keep it secret – share it with one person you love.