To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior. Maxwell Maltz

How do you implement change in your life?

What technique or system do you use to create new habits?

If you’re like most people then you probably don’t have a system. And that’s okay if you what you’re doing is working for you. But if it’s not, then consider using MAYA.

What’s MAYA?

Well, I’m glad you asked.

MAYA is a technique developed by a famous industrial designer named Raymond Loewy.  He used the concept of MAYA in the early 1900’s to introduce new products to the public, and because it works so well MAYA is still being used by companies today.

MAYA stands for, most advanced yet acceptable.

Think about that for a moment. It’s such an important concept. The idea is how far you can take an individual’s thinking before you lose them, before they say, I can’t do that or I don’t believe that.

Now let’s see how you can use this in your life.

If you’re trying to make a change or implement a new habit, there might be a part of you that will resist. It will resist because it doesn’t believe it’s possible. And you will find it doing things to sabotage your own progress.

What if you could convince this inner saboteur that change is possible by showing it what is incrementally possible. Essentially, by asking what is the smallest change acceptable? And then, act only on the smallest change.

No big moves and no drastic changes, only MAYA.

If you continue asking yourself, what is the most advanced, yet acceptable thing I can do right now to implement a behavior change, soon enough you’ll find your new desired behavior coming to life without shocking your system. In fact you might find that your inner saboteur becomes your inner collaborator because it will begin to believe that change is indeed possible.

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