How open minded are you?
How willing are you to have your beliefs, ideas and thoughts challenged and tested by others?
If just the idea of having your mind changed by others makes you uncomfortable, then maybe you should consider being a little more open minded.
Having your mind open to different or new ways of thinking shouldn’t be something you fear. In fact, at times, you should welcome the idea of being challenged. The opportunity to gain a new perspective can be quite beneficial, especially from those that have different, or more experiences then you do.
Having an open mind doesn’t mean you agree to, or accept every new idea that’s brought to your attention. It means that you’re at least willing to listen, and to some extent, perhaps even admit that you’re position about a subject might not be entirely correct.
Being closed minded drives you towards conclusions and judgements much faster than if you hold an open mind. The reason is because you already think you have the answer or you think you know what it right.
The benefits of having an open mind are infinite, because you’re free to change, to learn, to explore without boundaries. You’re open to considering and evaluating alternatives, you’re not bound to one set of beliefs. Having an open mind will also increase your level of empathy, which in turn will strengthen and add greater depth to your relationships.
So as you can see, having an open mind is going to be much more beneficial to you over the course of your life than a closed one. I just hope that you’re open minded enough to accept this idea.
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