When was the last time you chose your own adventure?
Do you know that there’s a segment of the population that chooses their own adventure on a regular basis in the form of role-playing games aka rpg?
One of the reasons that chose your own adventure role-playing games have gained popularity is that for a short amount of time, players can adopt the personas and powers of the characters in the game. Participating in chose your adventure games also allows players to briefly shed their own personalities and even some of their tightly held beliefs and inhibitions. Recent research has even shown that playing rpg games can help improve creativity and problem-solving abilities.
You might not be a fan of such games, or perhaps your current schedule doesn’t allow you time to participate in what some might consider frivolous game playing. But what if I told you that there’s a way for you to reap some of the advantages and benefits of rpg games without playing the games or investing too much of your time.
Now I’m not encouraging escapism or ignoring reality, what I am suggesting is that on occasion you put reality on hold and step out of your normal day to day character. You imagine yourself in different roles, let your creativity loose and briefly adopt alternate thinking patterns. You allow your mind to drop its limitations and allow it to run free. You can do all of this in just a few minutes a day.
If you’re really against the idea of participating in your own rpg then that’s your prerogative. But if you do decide to indulge yourself then you’ll begin to experience some of the benefits that choosing your adventures can bring to your life.