What value are you adding?
In the world of business, products and services are designed to add value to the end consumer. It’s the only way that prices can be justified. The value can be tangible or intangible, but if there was no value added then there would be no demand for the product or service.
As you go through life, you will have to decide what and how much value you will add not only to your own life, but also those you interact with. Yes, for sure you’re employer, but also your relationships.
The opportunities to add value to your own life and the lives of others are abundant once you begin to look for them. Adding value doesn’t have to involve enormous amounts of time or labor; in fact, sometimes the smallest acts can be the most effective.
Adding value is more of a mindset and a perspective than anything else. It’s asking yourself on a regular basis, ‘what can I do to add value? And then you act on the opportunities when they present themselves.
It’s not complicated and there are no secrets to adding value, however, you’ll be surprised by the results. Maybe not at first, but over time you’ll become known as the person that not only spends time adding value to your own life, but perhaps even more important, you’ll be known as the person that adds value to the lives of others.
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