“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”
― Isaac Asimov

What are your assumptions about the lives of others?

What if I told you that your assumptions about the lives of others are directly connected to how you see yourself?

Your assumptions about the lives of others are often based on a few interactions or even worse, what you hear or read about them, and then you use the limited information you’ve gathered and use it to build a story about them and then compare that story to your own life.

The problem with your assumptions is once you’ve made them you begin to interpret them as the truth and then that truth becomes ingrained in your belief system.

The truth is that many people you think have it all together, are falling apart at the seams. Many you think to be lucky have worked tirelessly to accomplish all they have. Many that seem to be dragging through life are carrying scars that will never be visible to you.

What’s unfortunate is that it’s all too easy to make assumptions about others, and once you fall into the habit of doing so, you begin to generalize and categorize.

Look, I understand that making assumptions is part of human nature, and humans do this to conserve energy and to shortcut thinking, after all, it’s easier for you to assume you know rather than having to think about it. But assumptions become damaging to your psyche and emotional well-being when you begin to use them to position yourself better than some, and less than others.

So the next time you find yourself making assumptions about a person stop and ask yourself this question, how do I know this to be true? This simple question will save you from jumping to conclusions not only about them, but perhaps even more important, how you see yourself compared to them.

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