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Is it working for you or against you?

Whether you realize it or not this is how you view everything.

Although the idea might sound overly simplistic, it’s true. It all boils down to the primitive nature of survival, of viewing the world through the lens of am I going to eat it, or will it eat me?

You see, even though humans have evolved, there’s still a deep reliance on some of the ingrained traits that have kept them alive for all these years. And this can be beneficial in certain situations, but it can also be detrimental if feelings are misinterpreted.

Fortunately, in this day and age, very few things are out to eat you and you can go about your day in relative safety, but you still view situations through your primitive brain. So when you feel afraid of a situation that’s not an obvious physical threat, it’s you manifesting your fear sensation into a thought and then creating an entire narrative around that thought.

It’s in creating the narrative or stories around the sensation of fear where problems begin to occur. Your stories are rarely based on any verifiable facts, but they feel as though they are and so you set them as beliefs that ultimately shape your view of the world.

If you were to go back through your past and conduct an honest evaluation of how many times you were mistaken about people and situations that you at the time thought were bad for you or against you, you’d find that you misjudged quite a bit. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, everyone does this. The question is, do you continue?

Adopting an attitude of things working for you rather than against you might seem unreasonable at first, but said another way; you can either choose to act and feel like the victim of fate, or the master. The choice is yours.

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