What did you think about this morning?
Did you set aside a few minutes for intentional thought or did you just start paying attention to every thought that appeared in your mind?
Thoughts are like fire and your attention is the oxygen they need to survive. At first, a thought begins as a small spark and the more attention you give it, the larger it grows, and the next thing you know, the thought becomes all-consuming.
Getting a hold of your thoughts at the beginning of your day even for a brief period of time can give you a sense of calm and control before the deluge of the day’s events start to demand your attention.
Now what I’m suggesting might sound a little like a meditation practice and in all honesty, there are some similarities. However, what I’m suggesting doesn’t require any formal lessons or practice, and the reality is that you’re already starting your day with thinking, so what’s the harm in taking control of your thoughts for a moment or two?
There’s a lot of uncertainty right now and you like almost everyone else is struggling with plenty of unanswered questions. And these questions simmer on low heat in the background of your mind just waiting to be fed with the oxygen from your attention. But instead of feeding them with your attention, practice depriving them of your attention for a few minutes each day and give your mind the opportunity to turn off the heat and to cool down for a bit.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.