How often do you challenge your own thoughts and ideas?
Actively pursuing information that proves what you’re already thinking is very easy to do and is well known as confirmation bias. But seeking out information that disproves what you’re already thinking is difficult because no one really likes the feeling of being wrong.
Opening your mind to new ideas or ways thinking can be scary because they can threaten some of your long-held beliefs, and since to some extent you’re defined by your beliefs then new ideas are essentially challenging you at the core of who you are.
The problem with confirmation bias is that it prevents you from expanding your thinking and ultimately clouds your judgement, which can then lead to poor decision making. And since your entire life is built upon the decisions you make, having the ability to make better decisions will improve the overall quality of your life.
If the idea of seeking out information that disproves your thinking sounds challenging at first then you can start with a reconsideration mindset. When you reconsider you still have the safety of holding on to your own thoughts without committing to being mistaken or changing your mind. Oh, and before I go any further let me clarify that none of this has to be done publicly, you can do this in the safety of your own mind.
In the built or physical world, almost all progress is built upon eliminating the old ways and finding new ways doing things. This doesn’t mean the old ways are always wrong; they’ve just served their purpose. Many of your thoughts and ideas might have also served their purpose and now it’s time for you to entertain or at least consider new ideas. Don’t be afraid to do so. Open your mind and seek out disconfirming information. Worst case scenario, you still disagree and hold on to your current way of thinking, best-case scenario, you change your mind and change your life.
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