There's no separation between self and other, and everything is interconnected. Once you are aware of that you are no longer caught in the idea that you are a separate entity. Thich Nhat Hanh

Do you believe that we’re all interconnected?

If you don’t then you can stop reading this and move on with your day.

But, if you do, then let’s carry on.

At first, this might sound farfetched, but that’s why I asked you if you believe we’re interconnected. You see, you can go through life just fine not believing that we’re interconnected and that you’re an individual unit that spontaneously appeared on this earth. And yes, I’m being flippant, or tongue in cheek, whatever the correct phrase is, but I’m trying to make a point.

You can trace your ancestry or lineage as far back as you can and eventually conclude that we all evolved from the same pair of bipeds roaming the plains of Africa.

So why am I harping on about being interconnected?

I’m doing so because being interconnected implies that the way you treat others affects you too. Now you might not see or realize the effects right away, but somewhere in this vast expanse of time, you will see or experience the repercussions of your actions.

On the flip side of the coin, it also means that how you treat yourself will affect others too. Yes, chew on that for a moment.

Now I know the reality is that there are very few Saints among us, and even some that we think are Saints have stains on their reputations. So, I’m not expecting any saintly behavior from you, or me.

But what I am suggesting is as you go through life, be a bit more cognizant of the way you treat people.

As you go through your days and you interact with people, give them a little more grace, perhaps some latitude for what you might consider maliciousness towards you or mistakes they make. To be clear, I don’t want you to become someone’s emotional punching bag. But learn to lead with compassion. If you’ve read this far then somewhere deep inside you there might be a belief that we are all interconnected, so going forward, live your life as if we are.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.