Kindness gives birth to kindness. – Sophocles

What if, do unto others as you would have done unto you, is the equation of life?

Now wouldn’t that be interesting?

Of course, there would be caveats and exceptions, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

To provide additional leeway, you wouldn’t be expected to live up to the equation until you were of a sound adult mind. And yes, I can hear the arguments being made that the age of sound mind is debatable.

Should the age be sixteen, eighteen, twenty-five? I don’t know; maybe it should be thirty.

If do unto others etc., is the equation of life, how would you act and behave towards others?

Would you feel comfortable being the person you currently are, now knowing that there might be some sort of karmic boomerang delivering back to you every action you send out?

Or would you be more mindful of your actions?

Oh, by the way. Thoughts, especially intentional ones, count as actions. Yup. Sorry to spring that surprise on you, but it’s true.

If you find yourself contemplating the question, then good for you. The good news is that if you’ve ever done something intentionally that you knew would hurt or harm someone, then welcome the human being club. You are not alone. It’s also not too late. Or said differently, better late than never.

So, while do unto others might not be the equation of life, imagine a world where everyone behaved as if it were true. And who knows, it might be true. In which case, now might be a good time to start behaving according, because if you don’t, then watch out for that karmic boomerang.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.