When will you make your move?
When will you take your turn?
When you feel compelled to do something different with your life, what will you do?
Granted that right now, you might not be in a position to make a sudden or drastic change to your life without causing too much discomfort to yourself or those around you, but don’t let that stop you from making a small move.
Sometimes the smallest, imperceptible moves can be all you need to set you off in a new direction.
Yes, I agree that your current set of circumstances constrains you, and the limitations you feel holding you in place are real. But they’re also malleable.
How do I know this?
Because your current circumstances are not permanent, you weren’t born into them. They developed over time. And this means that you can make moves to dismantle them.
To dismantle your current constraints, you must start by recognizing and identifying the reasons you used to get you in the position you are right now. This is not about blaming yourself; it’s about understanding yourself. It’s about self-compassion and forgiveness.
Once you can identify the strategies you used to create your current situation, you can begin to replace them with a new, different approach to get you out.
Creating change in your life takes courage and is not easy, both for you and those around you. And that’s why I recommend using baby steps to do so. There will be times when small steps will not work, and you’ll have to take drastic measures, and when that happens, you’ll have to hold on tight to survive the repercussions.
So, the next time you feel compelled to do something different with your life, make your move. When possible, test the waters with small steps, or when it’s safe to do so, plunge right in. In this game of life, time is your opponent, and it never stops taking its turn. And while you can’t stop time, if you want to live a life that’s meaningful to you, you’ll have to learn to step up and take your turn.
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