You have all the time in the world, but don’t waste a moment. Ram Dass

What would you do if you had all the time in the world?

Think about it for a moment.

Would you travel?

Would you pursue new hobbies?

Would spend more time with friends or loved ones?

What would you do?

While dreaming about having all the time in the world is a great exercise, reality soon sets in, and you realize that you don’t.

But you do have some time.

You have gaps, spaces in your schedule that you can take advantage of to fulfill a few of your ‘all the time in the world’ desires.

Using the gaps or downtime in your schedule wisely requires a level of intentionality and planning because if you don’t plan, your spare time will quickly get sucked away by distractions and other less fulfilling chores.

Speaking of chores. I understand that cleaning, laundry, and other domestic activities are a requirement of life. Still, if you choose, you can begin to batch them or, if you have the resources, outsource them, allowing you to free up your time to pursue more fulfilling activities. Unless, of course, you’re the kind of person that finds fulfillment in domestic chores, in which case, more power to you.

So, the next time you find yourself with the desire to pursue an activity or project that you think might provide you more personal fulfillment, start by looking for gaps in your schedule. And then quickly block those gaps ahead of time and use them to your advantage. If you don’t learn to do this, not only will you not have all the time in the world, but you’ll also lose the little time you already have.

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