Frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success. Bo Bennett

When does change begin?

It begins when an individual is no longer willing to accept the world as it is. Change is often born of desperation or frustration.

Why am I telling you this?

Because if you’re experiencing desperation or frustration in your life, then view them as clues or signs that you need to do something different in your life. You need to change.

I know need is a strong word and even perhaps incorrect. You don’t need to change, but not doing so is akin to having a small rock in your shoe and refusing to remove it because it would take effort. All the while knowing that it’s going to bother and maybe even injure you as you walk.

Now you don’t need to change every time you feel frustrated. Sometimes it’s just part of life, but when you find yourself constantly aggravated by the same or similar situation, it might be time to consider changing yourself or the position you’re in.

Change requires hope, it requires optimism, it might even require sacrifices on your behalf, but most of all, it requires effort, and that’s why it’s difficult to do. And while it might be difficult, it’s not impossible.

So, the next time your find yourself repeatedly feeling frustrated with a situation in your life, instead of just living with the emotion, learn to leverage it. Consider your frustration as an opportunity to say no or never again. Find a way to use it to your advantage and think about how you can change yourself or the situation that will allow you to remove the rock from your life once and for all.

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