What do you intend to do today?
What will you do?
Where’s the gap?
You’ve probably heard the idiom -the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and while hell in this context might not be a fiery destination ruled by demon, it represents a place aka, the gap, where your dreams go to die.
There’s a significant difference between thinking about doing the right things and doing the right things.
Before I continue, let me clarify that I’m not passing judgment on what the right things are, that’s entirely up to your own discretion.
Staying in alignment with what you want to do, the right things for you, versus what you do, can be challenging, especially in this day of infinite distractions. Culling or avoiding the constant tug on your time and attention is crucial if you want to accomplish the things you set out to do.
But how do you avoid the distractions? By drawing hard and fast boundaries around your intentions. And by being realistic in with your intentions.
Do not burden yourself by overcommitting to what you want to achieve, especially if you know that you’ll have other obligations that will suffer or compete for your time. Because if you do, then very quickly you’ll begin to slip on your commitments, and then you’ll be on the road to, well, you know where.
Identify one or two intentions for your day that you know if executed well or pursued long enough will move the needle for your life in a significant way and then give them relentless focus. Make a habit of doing this, and soon enough, you’ll begin to witness your intentions becoming your reality.
So, crystalize in your mind what you intend to do today. Protect yourself from distractions and pursue your intentions. Avoid the road to hell and keep your dreams alive by staying on track and doing the right things.
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