How long does it take to change?
If you guessed forever because you paid attention to the heading of the blog post, then you’re correct.
But why does it take forever to change?
Well, maybe forever is a slight exaggeration on my behalf, but let’s break it down.
How much time do you have to spend directing a vehicle when driving a car, piloting a plane, or steering a boat?
The answer is, as long as the vehicle is moving, you must keep guiding it. Because, as you might know, if you take your hands and your attention off the vehicle, it will very quickly lose direction.
Before I go on, let me address the issue of autopilot that might be in the back of your mind. Autopilot or even autonomous vehicles replicate human behavior. The automation continuously evaluates the environment and makes the necessary adjustments to ensure the vehicle remains on course.
Change and life are very similar to guiding a vehicle.
For any kind of change to take lasting effect, you must pay constant attention. Because if you don’t, then soon enough, due to the gravitational pull of your natural tendencies, any change you’re seeking to make will, like a vehicle, veer, of course.
If the constant monitoring of change sounds to you like it requires a lot of energy, then you’re correct. But this is where my exaggeration of forever comes into play. Fortunately for you, a part of your brain is very similar to an autopilot. It’s where the power of habit resides.
Change is highly likely to become a habit if you stick with it long enough. How long is long enough? Long enough varies from individual to individual. Regardless of what you read, there is no magic timeline.
So, the next time you attempt to implement change in your life, approach it as if it will take forever. Be vigilant in maintaining the new direction you wish to take. You’ll find that if you stick with it long enough, then eventually you can turn the responsibility of monitoring the change to your autopilot, aka your new habit.
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