There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.  Alan Cohen

How many browser tabs do you have open right now?

Wait. Before you answer, I want to modify the question.

How many browser tabs do you have open in your mind?

It’s easy to treat your mind like your devices, leaving several browser tabs open at any one time as you flit from interest to interest or thought to thought. But every once in a while, it’s good practice to clear tabs and refresh your mind, just like you do with your device.

The difference between your mind and your device is that your device lets you know that it needs an occasional update or refresh. On the other hand, your mind might send you signals that it too needs refreshing, but it’s, of course, up to you whether you heed the messages.

The messages your mind sends you that it has too many tabs open and needs refreshing might show up in the form of frustration, stress, or even anxiety and panic. When you begin to feel any of the preceding emotions, instead of plowing on and hoping they’ll disappear, learn to take a step back and pause.

Pausing or stopping when you feel overwhelmed isn’t a sign of weakness, but strength, and dare I say, even maturity. And the wonderful thing about pausing is that just like your device when you get back from break, you can always restore your tabs.

I’ll admit that it is impossible to completely turn off your mind, and that is one advantage that devices have, but that’s okay. Your version of closing tabs can be to briefly bring your full attention to one thing and be purposefully present. A mindful moment if you will. Just enough time to re-center yourself and eliminate or reduce the feeling of overwhelm.

While your mind is a wonderful instrument and can function as well as, if not better than any device, it also needs to rest and refresh. And though sleep is a great tool for resting your mind, it’s also a healthy practice to deliberately take time throughout your day to close as many mental browser tabs as possible. Doing so will allow you to distribute the mental burden of your day, resulting in you feeling more focused and refreshed.

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