You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. Rabindranath Tagore

How often do you find yourself playing too safe?

What do I mean by playing too safe?

In this case, I mean you shrink at the first sign of anxiety or perceived threat. You perhaps think about taking an action or changing a behavior, but just the thought of it makes you nervous, and so you recoil from the thought and remain stuck where you are.

Playing too safe comes in many forms. It could be as subtle as overplanning because you want to make sure all your bases are covered when in reality, you know that you can’t plan for every contingency. And, maybe the most egregious form of playing it safe is your underlying desire to look perfect, so you play safe by avoiding making mistakes.

How do you know when you’re playing it too safe?

Here are a few examples of behaviors that might indicate you’re playing too safe.

Procrastinating because you’re because you’re struggling with self-doubt. Thinking you need more education or knowledge before you begin a project. Constantly working to please others and afraid to speak your mind because you fear conflict. And perhaps one of the worst, denying what you really want in life because going for it feels too risky.

The worst aspect of playing too safe is that it doesn’t move you towards anything – it keeps you where you are or, in some cases, even forces you to move backward. You become a stunted individual.

Of course, I can’t or at least shouldn’t write about playing too safe without addressing the fact that there are times when it will benefit you to play safe and to take the appropriate precautions. But unless you’re a daredevil, constantly risking life and limb, or have sociopathic tendencies where you’re unable to curtail certain behaviors, then I’m going to venture to guess that more often than not, you’re playing too safe.

So, take some time today and evaluate where you think you’re playing too safe in your life. Once you’ve identified an area or two, then take your foot off the brakes and move forward. You don’t have to proceed with reckless abandonment. Sure, steady steps work just as well. See and experience what life is like when you release yourself from playing too safe.

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