Change is about interrupting the habits and patterns that no longer serve us. Edit Eger

What will be your next thought?

While you might think you don’t know, I feel confident that you do.

Why am I so sure?

Because you have a routine, a pattern of thinking, and no, it’s not just you. We all do.

There’s nothing wrong with having a certain way or pattern of thinking. It’s easy and, in most cases, reliable – I mean, it’s kept you alive so far.

Patterns, aka habits, and routines are great for keeping your life on track. They allow you to navigate daily life with minimal additional effort. It would be incredibly frustrating and energy-draining if you had to think about how to do each activity required to get you through your day.

So, what’s the issue with having a pattern of thinking?


Well, not entirely nothing. Especially if you ever want to change anything about yourself.

Patterns create ruts. Both physical and mental. And the more you use them, the more ingrained they become. Eventually, you forget that they are patterns and that you have a choice. So, you begin to think and believe that they are who you are – and that’s not true.

Breaking out of patterns requires you to interrupt the pattern. It requires conscious and, in some cases, prolonged effort over a long period of time.

How long?

Until the old pattern is broken and the new one becomes who you now believe and think you are.

If the idea of interrupting a pattern sounds difficult, it’s because it can be. Oh, and just a quick sidenote, your thought about a pattern interrupt sounding difficult is also a pattern.

One way to break a pattern is to identify it and shine a light on it. Only when you’re willing and able to recognize it for what it is will you be able to break it. If you want to change, you must confront it. It’s not easy, but entirely possible.

So, if you’re seeking to change any part of your life, look for the patterns that are keeping you stuck. Identify them, call them out and address them head-on. Remember, there was a time in your life when you were close to being a blank slate, and you made the decision, for whatever reason, to adopt the pattern you’re now seeking to interrupt. So, interrupt it. And adopt a new pattern that will bring you closer to the version of you that you want to be.

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