Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another. Marquis de Condorcet

Why does the grass seem greener on the other side?

It’s an age-old question. And hopefully, you realize that grass is a placeholder for the word life.

Fixating or thinking about how good other people have it or how well other people’s lives are going is a surefire way to ignore your own life. Think about this for a moment. For every minute you spend thinking about someone else’s life, you lose the opportunity to invest in your own life.

Yes, there are people that might have, subjectively speaking, better or different lives than you. But there are also many people that wish they had your life. The wonderful thing is that there is no competition or medals being given to the people with the best life.

Let’s return to the grass analogy for a moment. If you ask a master gardener how much effort is required to maintain lush green grass year-round, you might be surprised to hear the answer. A simple, small residential yard can take hours a week to ensure that the right amount of fertilizer, water, and weed control is applied for ideal growth and maintenance.

Are you willing to apply the same amount of diligence and time, not to your yard but to your life?

And what happens to grass that is neglected? It quickly becomes overgrown, and weeds that were waiting in the wings begin to take over. The same can happen to your life if you ignore it and spend your time admiring the life of other people.

So, while it’s okay to occasionally look over and admire the greener grass of other people’s lives, don’t do so at the expense of neglecting your own. Do all that you can to grow and maintain your own life. And not that it should be your goal, but who knows, yours might be the greener grass that others begin to admire.

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