There is nothing so terrible as activity without insight.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

How do you get results?

Or, perhaps more important, how do you get the results you want?

Results are always a consequence of action. Or, in some cases, inaction, which is also an action.

Seem too obvious?

Maybe so.

But it’s important to recognize.

If results are a consequence of action, and you’re interested in specific results, you should be more attentive to your actions.

You see, your actions are data. They are information. And it’s from your action that you can gather insights into what works and doesn’t work for you, which leads us to actionable insights.

Actionable insights have been called the missing links between data and results. While this mostly occurs in a business context, it’s just as relevant in your personal life.

But who has time to sit around gathering data about their personal life?

Yes, I know you’re busy and have so much going on. But if you’re seeking specific results in your life, you must learn to gather data about your behavior and habits. Only then, once you have the data, will you able to glean actionable insights, which in turn will enable you to move closer towards the results you’re looking for.

If gathering data about yourself sounds like work, it’s because it is. But it’s work that is worth investing in, especially if it moves you to change or rethink your current actions for ones that help you achieve specific results.

So, if you’re seeking certain results in your life, then spend some time evaluating your current actions. Gather the data and evaluate it on a moving towards or away from the results you’re seeking scale. And then use your insights as steppingstones towards the results you’re seeking.

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