Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Mahatma Gandhi

Do you agree or disagree?

I can hear your brain spinning and asking, ‘well it depends on the question?’

Does it?

What if there is no obvious question, just an opportunity to act?

You see, every action you take is an agreement or disagreement with yourself.

If you doubt me then let me give you an example.

There are many hot topics we can choose from, but let’s make it easy and choose politics.

How many times have you heard a person in strong disagreement with government policies?  Yet when you ask them what action they’ve taken to change it, you’ll quickly find that they haven’t acted.

Why is this?

Because it’s easier to talk about than do.

When your actions are out of alignment with your thoughts you will feel out of balance because you’re in disagreement with yourself. There’s actually a fancy term for this kind of behavior, it’s called cognitive dissonance, which literally means mental discomfort.

Narrowing the gap between how you think and how you act gives you a sense of harmony because you are being true to yourself. You are in agreement.

But this doesn’t mean that you’re limited to always thinking and acting in the same way. You can choose to think differently about something but you have to follow it with an action, because that is how you’ll agree with your new thought.

So the next time you have a thought or even and idea about how you’d like to be, do something differently, or change a current behavior then validate it with an action. Close the gap between the person you want to be and the person you are. Be in agreement with yourself.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with someone you love.