How ambitious are you?
Ambition can be a double edge sword. On one hand, you need a certain amount of ambition if you’re going to accomplish a goal or achieve a level of success in your life, on the other hand being overly ambitious can be detrimental if, especially if you adopt a win at all costs mentality.
While balancing ambition can be tricky, it’s better than not having any. Ambition and motivation go hand in hand; when you’re ambitious you’ll be motivated to take action.
So how do you cultivate ambition?
The simplest way to spark your ambition is to find something you’re interested in and learn as much as you can about that subject. Although out of the gate this might not make you overly ambitious, it will begin to give you the habit of pursuing your curiosity and you’ll find that when you pursue an intrinsic curiosity you’ll be more motivated to do so.
The wonderful thing about ambition is that it’s not dependent on how intelligent you think you are. In fact, it’s very easy to find stories of individuals that have been incredibly successful in a wide range of careers with little less than a high school education. So don’t let the lack of credentials or degrees hold your ambition hostage.
Ambition is not something someone else can do for you. Yes, you might find clues about your ambition by reading about and watching other people’s lives, but ultimately it’s going to come down to what you can do for yourself. Learn to stoke your own fire of ambition, and don’t ever stop doing so, because it’s the only thing that will keep you growing and moving forward in life. And in life, if you’re not growing then you know what’s on the other side of that coin.
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