What do you expect but no longer value?
Or, said differently, you forget to show appreciation for what you value.
There are some simple creature comforts that I’m sure you value. Clean water, electricity, safe, inexpensive food are a few examples of things that you probably value but can very easily be taken for granted.
And then there are people in your life that you expect to act and behave in ways that please you, but you take their actions for granted.
It’s easy to get caught up in your daily activities and forget that so much of what you value and take for granted is not readily available to everyone.
I know you don’t disregard or take your life conditions for granted on purpose; it just happens over time because it’s normal life to you. And that’s okay. But you can occasionally pause to show appreciation.
Showing appreciation for the things you take for granted and value doesn’t have to be an over-the-top action. You don’t have to go down to your local water company and thank them individually unless, of course, you want to. You can simply remind yourself how fortunate you are and mentally appreciate all the systems and people working hard to provide you with your basic comforts.
As for the people that are closest to you, the ones you expect the most from. How you show them that you value them is up to you but do so occasionally. Again, you probably don’t need any elaborate gestures, just a simple thank you, or telling them that you value what they do for you can go a long way.
So, as you go through your day today, think about some things and people that you’ve become accustomed to but no longer value. Pause and consider what your life would look like if they no longer meet your expectations. Hopefully, this little prompt will allow you to feel and perhaps even express gratitude for everything and everyone that’s constantly and often without recognition, meeting your expectations.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.