How often do you ask for what you want?
You might have heard the often quoted and popular Bible verse, “Ask, and you shall receive.” But, while asking is the bridge to almost anything you want out of life, you must first be willing to ask.
The act of asking requires courage because in doing so, you’re setting yourself up for rejection and even perhaps a sense of failure. Rejection is hard to handle especially if you take it personally. But it doesn’t need to be that way.
When you don’t ask for what you want, there’s often an underlying theme that you don’t feel as though you deserve to do so. So then, you self-sabotage yourself by not asking or asking from a position of weakness. You do this by saying to yourself something along the lines of, ‘they’ll probably say no.’
One way to get over the fear of asking is to understand that there’s a distinction between what you ask for and who you are. When you understand that there’s a clear delineation between you and your request, you’ll begin to realize that it’s your request that might be denied and not you. This enables you not to take the rejection personally.
Learning to ask for what you want is a superpower that you have the opportunity to work on at any stage in life. However, the sooner you learn to ask for what you want, the higher the probability is that you’ll begin to receive it.
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