The self is made, not given. ―Barbara Myerhoff

When was the last time you built something?

By the way, it’s a trick question.

The reason it’s a trick question is whether you realize it or not; you’re in the process of assembling or building regularly. You are building your life.

The real question is, how intentional are you about building your life?

Are you in full-on participatory mode, or are you more hands-off, letting others do it for you?

While there’s nothing wrong with delegating tasks or seeking assistance in building your life, there’s a great benefit to you if you take a more active role.

Of course, you aren’t always responsible for building your life, since as a child, your parents and other adults were responsible for providing you with a foundation. But once they were done, it became your responsibility to build your life.

The transition from when others built your life to when you became responsible can be difficult, especially if you weren’t taught to build for yourself. In which case, you continue to look for others to build your life for you. But there comes a time in everyone’s life when the realization sets in that they had more agency than they thought they did. Hopefully, for you, it comes sooner than later.

Building the life you want requires attention, diligence, and persistence. And just like any other building project, especially one of any significance, there will be challenges and mistakes along the way. And it’s your job to catch, mitigate or resolve the challenges.

During the process of building your life, it’s your job to ensure you have the right tools and resources to do so. And when you don’t, then find ways to get them. This could mean enrolling or asking people to help you or educating yourself on the matters that mean the most to you.

So, as you step into your day today, remind yourself that participating in the assembly is required if you want to live the life you want. Then put on your mental overalls, grab your toolkit, and gather or create the plan for your life. Begin to take intentional steps towards building your life.

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