What do you think about the idea of assuming another person’s identity?
Wait, before we go any further, let me clarify.
I’m not recommending or suggesting you assume someone else’s identity in a nefarious, criminal sort of way. Okay, now that I have that disclaimer in place lets continue.
An individual’s identity is constructed from a combination of character traits and qualities, some inherent, and others that are learned over time. Identity is also developed consciously and subconsciously. There are behaviors and traits that you internalized because you wanted to be similar to those that were around you during your formative years so that you would be liked and loved. But some of those early learned behaviors might no longer be serving you well.
So what to do now?
Here’s how assuming aspects of another person’s identity can be helpful. Let me be clear in saying that I’m not asking you to lose yourself or forget who you are. What I am recommending is that if there’s a person or people that have certain qualities you admire then adopt those qualities for yourself.
As a child, you didn’t have the intellectual wherewithal to ask or introspect into who you are and so the majority of your identity formed essentially by accident, or better said, in relation to the circumstances in which you grew up. But it doesn’t have to remain that way.
Changing how you identify with yourself is not easy. Not only is the behavior change difficult but in some cases, you’ll feel as though you’re being fake and betraying who you really are, but that’s not true. Remember, your identity formed as a child as a response to your environment. And if that childhood built identity is holding you back then now might be a good time assume some new qualities and change your identity.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.