What role are you auditioning for?
Now you might be thinking that you’re not auditioning for a role, or perhaps the last time you did, you were a child hoping to get a role in a school play. And while that might be partially true, you’re auditioning daily.
You see, whether you realize it or not, every day you are trying out for the role of the person you want to be. The same way an actor prepares for a future role, or a musician practices for a future event, you too are practicing for your future. You just might not realize that you’re doing so.
So now that you know, what are you going to about it?
If you’re still a little confused or stuck, let me attempt to add some clarity. If you have a desire to be a better student, business person, employee, parent, spouse, or any other role in life that you can imagine, then you must, in your mind have a picture of how that person would be and act. That’s the role you are auditioning for. And to audition, and get the role, you must prepare.
Of course, don’t need to prepare, you can always leave it to chance. What I mean by chance is that you just show up, get the role and that’s it. But if you leave it to chance, then at best you get an average performance. And while there’s nothing inherently wrong with average, the average is rarely what people are looking for.
So how are you preparing for your future role?
If you haven’t been doing so, that’s okay. Today is your lucky day because you’re auditioning for the person you want to be ten years from today. So, take some to imagine the person you want to be in the future and then begin to prepare for the role. Or as they say in the acting world, prepare for the role of a lifetime. And while the actors might be exaggerating, for you this couldn’t be truer.
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