“The future depends on what we do in the present.” Mahatma Gandhi

What is the best predictor of your future?

I’ll give you minute to think about it.


If you answered, it’s the action you take and the decisions you make today, then you can stop reading right here.

While my answer might seem overly simplistic, I can’t emphasize enough just how important your daily actions and decisions are when it comes to predicting your future. Before I go on, let me point out the obvious, every action and decision is not equal and does not require intense deliberation.

What many people fail to realize is that while a single action or decision might not carry a great amount of weight in the grand scheme of a lifetime, actions and decisions compounded overtime can drastically change the entire trajectory of your life.

Most people can get by with taking sloppy actions or making poor decisions for the first twenty, and in some cases even thirty years of their lives, as long as they’re not detrimental to their personal wellbeing, or the well being of others. But later in life, actions and decisions begin to take on more gravity.

So, instead of waiting until later in your life, learn to make better decisions and act today. Spend time thinking about your future and then align your actions and decisions accordingly. And yes, your actions and decisions might not guarantee your future, but they will increase your odds of getting you where you want to be.

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