Will you choose to be bitter or better?
When you’re being treated poorly?
When events and situations don’t go as you expected or wanted?
When you fail or lose?
It’s easy and, in some cases, even justifiable to fall into a pattern of feeling bitter towards situations and people that don’t comply with how you believe the world should be. But the same events can also be an opportunity for you.
Feeling annoyed, hurt, and upset are natural emotions, but if you’re going through and feel the pain of these emotions, then why not use them to improve your life?
Being bitter or better is a choice you get to make.
I agree that the idea of being bitter or better might not seem like a choice during the heat of a moment where your idea of how things should be versus the reality you find yourself in, but the option is always available.
Choosing to be bitter or better is all about breaking or escaping your learned pattern of behavior. The problem is that once you’re stuck in a pattern, you begin to believe that it’s unbreakable, and that’s just how you are, and so you react to situations the same way over and over again.
But you don’t have to behave this way.
Yes, it’s not easy to do so, and at first, you will feel out of character and at times even feel as though you’re being taken advantage of, but these feelings are natural as you transition from being bitter to better.
By the way, let me clarify that being better is not about being better than other people. It’s about being better for yourself. It’s about being able to let go of emotions and feelings that disempower you and drag you down.
So, the next time you find yourself faced with a situation that tests your patience or challenges your ego, remind yourself that this is an opportunity, and you do have a choice, to be bitter or better.
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