How often do you play the blame game?
How often do you hold other people responsible for the way you feel?
Are you an amateur or professional blamer?
Honestly, it doesn’t matter what your blame game skill level is, the blame game is one that you’ll never win. Yes, blaming someone else for how you feel might feel good in the moment and perhaps you even feel justified in doing so, but the reality is that you are always responsible for how you feel.
My accusation of you being responsible for how feel might seem a little harsh at first, but I implore you to not just react but take some time to really think about it. You have to trust that I have your best interest at heart and that I have nothing to gain or lose by pointing out your responsibility.
You see, if you let other people’s actions dictate your emotions then essentially, you’re just like a puppet on a string waiting for the next puppet master to pull your strings. And if don’t take responsibility for your own emotions then your life will be full of puppet masters just waiting to pull the strings of your emotions.
So try to quit the blame game as soon as you can, or at least learn not to participate as often. The best way to do this is to give less control to professional puppet masters you’ll encounter in life. And yes, at times you might come across a little emotionally aloof to those around you, but deep down you’ll know it’s not because you don’t care, you’re just choosing not to play and don’t want to give someone else an opportunity to pull your emotional strings.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.