Where is your locus of control?
Before you answer, first, let’s clarify what a locus of control is.
“Locus of control is the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces (beyond their influence), have control over the outcome of events in their lives.” Wikipedia
Now, back to my original question.
Do you believe that you have an internal locus of control, where you believe you have control over events that influence your life, or do you believe you have no control and are the victim of outside forces?
I ask about your belief about your locus of control because your belief will determine how you navigate life.
If you believe that you do not have any control over your life, then you’ll act accordingly. You’ll be less motivated to take action, and when you do, you’ll do so with doubt and hesitation lurking over your shoulder because internally, you’ll feel as though no matter what you do, you won’t make a difference.
However, if you have an internal locus of control, you’ll have a bias for action because you believe that you can make a difference in your life.
Now granted, there will be times, especially as a child, when you’ll feel as though your life is dependent on outside forces, such as parents, teachers, and other people with authority over your life. But as you move through adolescence into adulthood, you have the opportunity to develop your own belief about your locus of control. And yes, there are always exceptions when events and outcomes are genuinely out of your control.
While I don’t want to be judgmental about your belief about your own locus of control, I will share that, in my opinion, you will live a more fulfilled life if you live with an internal locus of control. And while it might take some practice to do, it’s well worth the effort.
So, then next time you find yourself in a situation where you’re forced to decide between taking ownership of your life or abdicating it to outside forces, I hope you’ll look inside yourself and opt for an internal locus of control.
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