Under Current Conditions

Motivational quote by Heraclitus

How long will it take to get there?

This is a common question when planning travel and even during a trip.

And the answer is usually in the form of, well, under current conditions.

Regardless of how reasonable the estimates of time might be before the trip, they will change based on the trip’s length and the day’s conditions.

A short trip is obviously more predictable because fewer factors are involved, and if you’ve taken the trip before, then prior knowledge can also benefit you.

However, long journeys to unknown places are unpredictable, and that’s when you start relying on estimates of current conditions and hoping they continue.

Life is also a long journey to an unknown place with constantly changing conditions. When you set out to work on a goal, it’s just like taking that long trip. All your estimates will be based on current conditions and what you know; however, the larger the goal, the more unpredictable the conditions will be.

This should not dissuade you from attempting to work towards significant goals. However, when you encounter situations you didn’t or couldn’t predict, remind yourself that you’re stepping out into unfamiliar territory and unknown conditions.

Everyone sets out under current conditions. Some get to where they’re going sooner or later than others. Others give up and turn back.

 If your goal is important and meaningful to you, then you’ll appreciate the current conditions and find a way to work through the guaranteed unknown conditions that lie ahead.

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Change Machine

Motivational quote by Jim Rohn

Have you ever used a change machine?

You know, the kind where you insert a paper dollar bill and get coins back.

Your dollar bill is transformed. It’s still money, but it looks and feels totally different.

This is what change is about.

If you want to change anything about yourself, you must be willing to transform parts of yourself completely.

You have to commit to the irreversible metamorphosis the way a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

Genuine, successful change doesn’t have a middle ground.

Yes, there’s a midpoint during the transformation, but once you’re committed and cross that point, there’s no going back because if you do go back, then you really haven’t changed.

Change is hard.

Change is probably one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do in your life.


Because change is new, it’s unknown. You’re unaware of what will happen when you change, so, like many others, you stick with the familiar because it’s easier.

The thing is that you were built for change.

Humans are the ultimate change machines.

They have survived for thousands of years because they were able to change.

Fortunately for you, change doesn’t have to be as dramatic as the dollar-changing machine or the caterpillar.

You can do it slowly, but if you want it to last, you must keep moving through the hard parts.

Look, the reality is, physically, you are in a constant state of change. It’s just that you’re doing it involuntarily.

The miracle of nature is doing it all for you.

The change most people desire is mental, and that takes work. Actually, it takes more commitment than work.

The commitment is the work.

If you’re willing to invest in continued commitment to whatever change you want to make in your life, you will experience conscious transformation. If you’re not willing to commit, you will experience frustration.

Keep in mind that you’re not required to change, and you only have to if want to experience life differently than you are right now.

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Blind Spots

Motivational quote by Debbie Ford

What are your blind spots?

Before you take offense, don’t worry; it’s not just you. Everyone has them.

Blind spots are the actions, words, or thoughts others notice or understand about you but remain unseen or unrecognized by yourself.

How do you discover your blind spots?

This is the hard part.

Ask people to tell you what they see as your blind spots, and then be open to listening without being defensive.

Athletes are great at this because their livelihood depends on always getting better, so they are continuously open to coaching that helps them eliminate their blind spots.

The majority of people rarely want to know about their blind spots, and this leaves them open to staying stuck in behavior patterns and repeating mistakes.

If you’re not open to external evaluations, then at least make an effort to be more self-aware. Becoming self-aware can be accomplished by monitoring your own behavior and emotions.

A simple journaling exercise that you can do during your day can be beneficial. Learn to pay attention to your feelings when making decisions or having conversations. Learn to tune into your body language when responding and speaking to others. And then take some quick notes to remind you. Very soon, you’ll be able to see patterns of behavior begin to emerge, and then you take steps to continue or correct your behavior based on the outcomes you’re looking for.

If you decide to investigate your blind spots, you can learn more about them by researching the Johari Window. This technique helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others.

The funny thing about blind spots is that addressing them is an ongoing process because you will always be a work in progress.

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Guard Your Mind

Motivational quote by Jim Rohn

You can only see this.

You can only read this.

No, you can’t have more.

You can only have what I give you.

You don’t know what you’re missing.

You don’t know what you’ll be getting next.

Sorry, you don’t come here for freedom to choose.

Only I decide what you read and see.

And if I do this long enough, I’ll know exactly what you’re thinking because I’m the one prodding and prompting you to think that way.

Are you okay with this?

These are not some ambiguous statements.

These are the agreements, terms, and services you agree to when you engage with media, especially social media.

Imagine how you would feel if someone came into your house and started dictating what and when you could eat and what you could look at.

How would you respond?

Hopefully, you’ll remove them from your home as soon as possible.

Every picture and word you expose your mind to provokes a thought. Even this sentence is stimulating a thought as you read it.

The technology of the infinite scroll is weaponized against you. And you are being coerced into guzzling at the endless trough of information being poured into your mind, most of which doesn’t affect or benefit your life one way or another.

If you don’t believe me, step away from all media for 48 hours and see if your life falls apart.

I’m sure it won’t but don’t worry. If you begin to feel your life crumble, you can always return to it because it will be waiting for you.

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Share our similarities, celebrate our differences. M. Scott Peck

Can you believe she did that?

Can you believe he said that?

What were they thinking?

Sorry, but what were you thinking?


I get it.

It’s because that’s not what you would have done or said.

You would have done or said it differently.

Yes, but they aren’t you; obviously, you are not them.

Then why the shock and surprise?

Were you expecting them to be just like you?

Can you imagine a world where we act and react – just like you?


Neither can I.

According to science, at our core DNA level, we are 99.9% the same, but it’s that .1% that makes us different in what seems to be millions of different ways.

It’s our differences that make us unique, and yes, that includes you.

So, although you might sometimes have trouble expressing or masking your disbelief about another person’s actions, remember that someone else probably feels or thinks the same thing about you, too.

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Effective or Efficient?

Motivational quote by Bill Gates

When you take the quickest route?

When you shave a few minutes of a meeting?

When you multitask?

When you’re hyper-efficient?

What do you do with all the time you save?

Do you spend it on others or yourself?

Or do you continue to find other ways to save time?

Being effective and being efficient is not the same.

In fact,  there is a considerable body of recent research showing that much of the anxiety and stress that people are suffering from is because they are attempting to do too much in too little time.

Modern machines and computers give the illusion that everything can be made to go faster and more efficient, but humans aren’t machines.

Humans are nature, and nature has its own rhythm and speed.

In nature, we expect a flower or plant to bloom or produce fruit at its own unique speed.

Like nature, each person is unique and endowed with their own ideal operating speed. While there will be times that call for more intensity or speed, performing full out over a long period of time will eventually break machines and humans alike.

If you find yourself attempting to insert efficiency in every aspect of your life, you won’t find that you’ll get life done quicker than anyone else. And if you’re like most people, the time you save will rarely be spent on something more productive or useful.

So you decide.

Do you want to be effective or efficient?

Do you want to be and live like a human or a machine?

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Share Your Talent

Motivational quote by Margaret Fuller

What are your talents?

Is there a particular skill or subject that you excel at?

No need to be modest here.

Everyone has something they know or have been told that they’re good at or have been formally qualified to do.

Here’s a short list of some of the more common skills.








Public Speaking



And there are many more.

What if you made time to share your skills or talents?

What if you committed to spending just a tiny amount of your time sharing or teaching what you know to someone who wants to learn?

Your skills and talents are gifts that you can pass on and still keep. They can never be taken from you, yet you can enrich another person’s life by sharing them.

Consider sharing your talents and giving them away to improve another person’s life. Who knows, the next time you need to learn something, someone might do the same for you too.

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Emotional Interest

Motivational quote by Judith Orloff

How much emotional interest do you charge?

When someone slights or wrongs you, how long do they have to continue paying for their original transgression?

Do you continue to remind them?

Do you make sure they never forget?

How about you?

How much emotional interest do you pay?

When you experience a negative emotional event in your life, how long do you continue carrying it with you, essentially paying for it over and over again?

If you’re like the majority of people, you probably only have an emotional interest in negative events and very quickly forget positive events.

Rarely do you see someone happy and smiling about a great event that happened to them a week ago, but traces of a negative event tend to linger in their psyche for much longer.

Albert Einstein once said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.” And this is because it allows the interest on money to earn interest, growing on itself like a snowball.

Emotions will do the same if you let them.

The longer you decide to carry an emotion about an event the stronger it will grow, basically compounding interest on top of your original emotion.

So your choices are: How much emotional interest do you want to charge others, and perhaps even more importantly, how much emotional interest do you want to pay?

Be careful and choose wisely. Overcharging interest to others or overpaying yourself might lead to emotional bankruptcy.

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Fully Engage

Motivational quote by Maya Angelou

When was the last time you experienced a total, uninterrupted moment with another person?

Where, just for a moment, the other person was all that you could hear and see?

Where, just for a moment, all your attention was focused on them?

Where, just for a moment, they were the most important person in the world?

John Steinbeck wrote, “Try to understand men, if you understand each other you will be kind to each other. Knowing a man well never leads to hate and nearly always leads to love.”

Ponder that for a moment.

Now, imagine what the world would look like if we all practiced understanding first.

Stephen Covey captured a similar sentiment when he wrote, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

But seeking to understand takes intent. It takes time.

And not shallow time, flitting between disengaged and engaged.

It requires big, full moments of time without distractions.

The next time you have the good fortune of engaging with another person, give them your full attention, even if it’s for just a short amount of time.

And yes, I say good fortune because having the opportunity to spend time with someone should not be taken for granted. In fact, many lonely individuals crave attention and interaction with other humans.

So, put Steinbeck’s and Covey’s words into practice and experience the richness that an uninterrupted, fully engaged moment with another person can provide for them and for you.

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Problem Butler

Motivational quote by Henry Ford

What would your life be like if you had someone to solve all of your problems?

If you had your own personal problem butler that appeared every time you had a problem and said, “Here, let me take that for you?”

Do you believe such a person would make your life better or easier?

Would you really give all of your problems to someone else to solve?

Or would you keep some for yourself?

Imagine how plain your life would be if you had absolutely no problems and if every day sailed along smoothly without as many hiccups for you to overcome.

Very soon, boredom would set in.

It’s probably not the case that you don’t want any problems; more than likely, you wish you could pick and choose from a problem buffet. And you’d pick the ones you think you could solve and leave the rest for others.

But then life becomes predictable.

And again, boredom would set in.

Problems are a strange phenomenon because so many aspects of a problem boil down to perspective. Have you ever noticed how you can see how others should solve their problems but struggle with your own? It’s because you have an outside view of their problem.

Now you can do the same for yourself, with your own personal problem butler.

Well, not quite, but close.

Writing your problems out on paper can give you an opportunity to approach them from different perspectives. An additional benefit is that you can get them out of your head, at least temporarily.

Once they are on paper, you can break them down into smaller, more manageable pieces and give each one the required focus.

Removing your problems from your mind can help you with any anxiety or overwhelm you might be experiencing. In fact, journaling has been recommended by therapists for this very reason.

So, although you may never have your own personal problem, butler, there’s a sheet of paper somewhere close to you saying, “Here, let me take those for you.”

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Bernoulli’s Principle

Motivational quote by Martin Luther

What is Bernoulli’s Principle?

If you know, then pat yourself on your back because only a few people can remember the lesson from their high school science classes.

Bernoulli’s Principle states that “For any airfoil generating lift, there must be a pressure imbalance, i.e. lower average air pressure on the top than on the bottom. Bernoulli’s principle states that this pressure difference must be accompanied by a speed difference.”

Isn’t that amazing?

Just kidding!

Let me simplify.

Air must pass over the top of an airplane’s airfoil or wing faster than the bottom of the wing to create lift and keep it afloat.

That’s right. Air!

The job of a propeller or jet engine is to move the aircraft forward in such a way that the Bernoulli Principle can work. But it’s all based on air.

When was the last time you saw air?

You know it’s all around you because, hopefully, you’re breathing it right now.

So here we are as a collective species basing our entire existence on something we take for granted yet cannot hear, see, or touch unless under certain controlled circumstances.

That’s a lot of faith.

What if you could use that same faith to propel yourself forward through life, knowing that certain principles are working for you, too?

What if there’s also a version of the Bernoulli Principle for humans?

It might exist, but you won’t find it unless you have faith, and not necessarily faith in a religious context, although that might and does work for some people. But faith that there are indeed other forces beyond your capacity to understand that are just waiting to be activated by you.

So, the next time you see an airplane, remember that its entire premise is based on the invisible and visible working together—and this applies to your life, too.

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Control of a Moment

Motivational quote by Norman Vincent Peale

What is the only thing you can really control?

It’s not people.

It’s not outcomes.

And most of the time, it’s not even yourself.

The only thing you can control if you pay attention, is your thought for a moment. I was tempted to say thoughts but realized that thoughts are like an infinite chain of falling dominoes where one leads to another and another until they are consciously interrupted.

If you pay attention, your extent of control is to the thought you’re having right now as you read this. And, in this split second, you must decide how you’ll react to it because if you don’t, your brain will go into auto-pilot and find a new or previous thought to fill the gap so you don’t have to expend any additional energy.

Your brain is an expert at filling thoughts and creating thought patterns for you because it saves you time and energy, and your brain loves conserving energy.

Stop reading for a moment. Ask yourself what thoughts are you having right now.

I’ll wait.




Were you able to stop reading and focus on your thoughts?

If you did, then you experienced control for a moment.

The interesting thing about being able to control your thoughts for a few moments is that it helps you re-write old thinking patterns, which can ultimately change the direction of your life.

So, if you find yourself struggling to change a behavior or habit or if you think you’d like to change how you react to certain situations, then begin to practice taking control of your thoughts, even if it’s just for a moment.

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The Winner Is…?

Motivational quote by Dalai Lama

Who’s going to be the lucky winner today?

Who will be the one person you’re going to shower with kindness and affection today?

Who will be the one person you will make feel extra special today?

Who’s going to be the one lucky person in your life today?

Will it be a co-worker, family member, friend, or complete stranger?

It’s okay if you don’t know yet. You still have time to choose someone. But when you do, don’t tell them. Just be super nice to them.

If they know you and are surprised by your affection and kindness, then I guess you’ve learned something about your relationship with them.

If they’re a stranger, they’ll think you’re like this all the time, and maybe you’ll increase their faith in humanity.

I know you’re busy and, like most people, have a lot going on, but taking a few moments out of your day to make another person feel special can go a long way for them and you.

You never know when one act of kindness could change the trajectory of another person’s life.

So pick a winner you’re going to make feel special today, and who knows, someone might be choosing you to be the lucky winner of their affection and kindness, too.

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The Happiness of Others

Motivational quote by Aldous Huxley

Do you believe it’s your duty or responsibility to make someone else happy?

If you don’t, you might be labeled as a sociopath or someone with a lack of conscience. However, you’ll also experience a sense of freedom that most people will never know. This freedom allows you to live your life on your terms, unburdened by the weight of others’ emotions.

However, if you do believe it’s your responsibility, then you’re going to have to tread a very slippery slope. You’ll know when you start down this slope because if you pay attention, you’ll begin to notice their moods changing, sometimes erratically, in accordance with your behavior.

Taking responsibility for another person’s happiness can be a huge burden because, eventually, your life will be driven by how they feel and not by what you want.

This is not to say that you should start indulging in sociopathic behavior, but you should not position yourself as the single provider of a person’s happiness.

This principle applies to you as well. By being self-aware and understanding your own emotional needs, you can avoid the trap of relying on others for your happiness.

If you rely on someone else to make you feel happy, you are burdening them and abdicating responsibility for your own feelings. You are also leaving yourself vulnerable to their behavior and whims.

Managing or mastering one’s emotional state is a difficult task in itself and can take a lifetime of effort and practice. Ultimately, you’ll learn that only you can really make yourself happy, and you can only hope that others will learn that lesson for themselves, too.

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About You

Motivational quote by Paul Arden

Would you like to hear people say these things about you?

You’re caring.

You’re capable

You’re confident.

You’re kind.

You’re lovable.

You’re smart.

You’re thoughtful.

Do you think these things about yourself?

Scratch that.

Do you believe these things about yourself?

You see, how you view yourself will be amplified and then communicated within every interaction you have. Your view of yourself will show up in your actions, body language, and words when speaking to people.

Focusing on behaving and building the character traits you want to be known for is much easier than convincing others, and once you begin to act in alignment with how you feel about yourself, others will also start to see you that way.

Your thoughts about yourself are your keys to how others perceive you and what they’ll say about you. And although your identity shouldn’t depend on what people say and think about you, navigating socially is easier when people view you positively.

So begin to believe in yourself and what you want others to believe about you, and you’ll find that over time, people will indeed see you and how you think of yourself.

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For What and For Whom?

Quote by Ursula K. Le Guin

Are you familiar with the questions, for what, and for whom?

In business, it’s a common way to describe what your product or service is used for and who your customer or user will be.

You can also use the same questions as a useful tool in life outside of business.

When you look at your daily activities, you can ask yourself what you are doing them for and for whom.

It’s an excellent way to track why you do what you do.

In business, if you can’t continue to answer these questions, you eventually go out of business because you lose sight of the bigger picture.

In life, if you don’t have an answer to these questions, then you might begin to feel out of control and perhaps even a little lost.

You can almost consider these questions to be a personal compass that you can use to guide you through life. They can also provide you with some balance because if you find that everything is you do is only for you, then you have the opportunity to course correct if you choose to.

Take some time to think through and answer the questions for what and for whom. Because the more time you spend not knowing for what and for whom, the less time you’ll have to make course corrections and get your life back on track.

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How Are You?

You are never alone - quote

How do you respond when you’re asked, ‘How are you?’





Not so good.


Having a hard day.

Current culture tends to reward positive responses, and the media has shaped people’s minds to think that you should always be happy and feel great, and if you’re not, then something must be wrong with you.

So, how are you supposed to respond when you’re not having a good day?

It can be challenging and depends on who you want to share your struggles with. For some, admitting to struggles is a sign of weakness, so they choose to live behind a thin veneer of pretense. The truth is that everyone has hard days and challenges they are dealing with. That’s just part of the human condition.

Answering the ‘How are you?’ question can also be a little tricky because you have to gauge the person asking you the question. Are they asking just to be polite, or do they really care and want to know?

If you feel they’re just asking to be polite, then the choice is yours. But if you think they really care, then if you’re having a down day, venture to share the truth.

Allowing yourself the freedom to express how you really feel can be difficult because there is a fear that you’ll be judged, but keep in mind that you’ll be judged either way. Everyone knows that no one is always great, so when you have the opportunity and safety to share how you really feel, then do so. You might just give someone else a safe place to share how they really feel, too.

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Motivational quote by Buddha

What is your self-care routine?

Do you have one, or are you just flying by the seat of your pants, hoping that your body and mind will keep up with you?

Self-care doesn’t mean spending a lot of time or money on yourself. It means devoting intentional time to rest and recuperation.

It means taking a few minutes every day to invest in your body and mind.

It means putting yourself first.

Self-care is important because it reminds you that you are important too.  And the feeling that you are important increases your self-worth which in turn directly affects how you show up for others.

Self-care is not about de-prioritizing other responsibilities. It’s about adding yourself to your list of responsibilities.

Your self-care routine could be as simple as taking a daily walk, spending a few minutes reading, or even a short meditation session. It could be something that says, ‘This is my time, and I’m going to spend it on me because I’m important too.’

So, get in the habit of carving out time for self-care. If you feel any guilt about taking time for yourself, as some people do, try to convince yourself that you’re doing it because it’ll make other people happier to be around you. In essence, you’re doing it for them, not you.

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It’s Obvious

Quote by William Safire

What’s obvious to you?

When did it become obvious?

Is it obvious to everyone?

And, is it really obvious or only obvious to some?

Let’s look at a simple example.

When did it become obvious to you that water is wet?

Follow my thinking here.

You didn’t realize that water was wet until someone told you it was. You knew that if you touched water, you’d experience something, but you didn’t have a name for that experience or feeling until someone said something along the lines of if you do that, you’ll get wet. And you probably didn’t question the person who told you water is wet because there was some form of authority or power in your relationship with them.

But how about now? Are you still relying on what others tell you that should be obvious?

Obvious can be used as a limiting tool if you let it. You might think of it as an imaginary line in the sand that says to you, of course, you should know this, so don’t question it because no one else does.

When you find yourself saying or thinking something is obvious, question it for a moment, especially if you’ve never really encountered the situation before and are relying solely on the word of another. And refrain from telling others what should be obvious to them because what’s obvious to you is the sum of your unique life experiences, not theirs.

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As Planned

Motivational quote by Arthur C. Clarke

What do you do when things don’t go as planned?

Do you panic?

Do you complain?

Do you give up?

Or do you buckle down and make a new plan?

Hardly ever have you heard of any personal or professional endeavor executed precisely as planned. In fact, more often than not, you’ll hear people say they had to correct course, improvise, or, in extreme situations, throw out the plan and create a new one.

Probably the only time you’ll experience or hear things going exactly as planned is on a production line where machines have been calibrated as tightly as possible and seldom involve human interaction.

Planning provides you with an estimation and rough roadmap that might help you achieve your goals, but planning doesn’t guarantee success.

Since things rarely go as planned, it doesn’t mean that planning is a waste of time. Planning allows you to think out loud. It enables you to think through and account for all the possible known impediments and perhaps even imagine some unknowns.

The experience of things not going as planned is not unique to you. So when things don’t go as planned, and you feel like giving up, hug yourself, say a few encouraging words, and then put your pen to paper and create a new plan.

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