How often do you really tune in to your five senses?
Right now, as you read this your senses are working away to provide you with a working model of the world around you. Obviously, if you’re reading, you’re using your sense of sight, but if you’re sitting or standing your sense of touch is also working to keep you spatially oriented.
While it’s okay to take your senses for granted, it can be a fun, interesting, or even meditative exercise to occasionally pay close attention to them. I’m not suggesting you sit for hours focused in on your senses unless of course, you’re inclined to do so, but just a minute or two a day to appreciate them.
The easiest way to acknowledge and appreciate your senses is when you wake up and when you go to sleep. Right there when your laying in your bed, work your way through them. Appreciate your ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the world around you. And if this sounds too much like meditation to you, then think of it as something more practical, perhaps some sort of sense test that you’re required to do to pass your day.
Taking your senses for granted is an easy thing to do, especially when then they’re all there and working for you. But don’t forget that there are many people that have either lost one or more of their senses, through old age or via some other ailment that never had the benefit or pleasure of experiencing life as vividly as you have.
So take a moment to recognize and appreciate your senses and keep in mind, while navigating the world without one or more wouldn’t be impossible, having all five in working order is what allows you to fully experience the world around you.
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