Yes And

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” ― Jim Rohn

Today try something different.

During your conversations instead of saying but or no, play the Yes And game.

Here’s the key. Don’t tell the person you’re speaking with that you’re playing the game. Just see where the conversation leads you.

‘Yes And’ is a popular tool used by actors during improv. Yes, And is very simple. In an improv situation, actors are required to accept their fellow actors’ ideas and build on them.

Yes And allows for creative cooperation. It moves you to receive another person’s idea and add to it rather and rejecting it. Very often during conversations you’ll find the instinctive ‘but’ or ‘no’ will shut down a person’s willingness to share their feelings or opinions, and this often prevents true connection with the individual.

Yes And, can also help you personally be more creative not only during conversations but also in life. One of the biggest struggles individuals face is that they disagree with their current reality. They fight against what is, which, if you really think about it, doesn’t make any sense.

If you find yourself disagreeing with reality, then perhaps you should try Yes And. The thought process goes like this. ‘Yes,’ this is how things are up to this point, ‘And’ this is how it could be different from this point on. The ‘And’ allows you to explore opportunities for change.

So whether it’s during conversations with other people or how you’re looking at your own life, keep the ‘Yes And’ in your personal toolbox. Use it to move conversations forward for deeper connection, and to discover possibilities for yourself.

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Change Slowly

Incremental change is better than ambitious failure. . . .Success feeds on itself. Tal Ben-Shahar

What if you could use a technique from nature to create change in your own life?

Well, maybe you can.

Nature has many ways of creating change in the environment, one of which is erosion. The amazing thing about erosion is that you rarely actually see it taking place. What you do eventually see are the results.

Whether it’s the wind blowing soil or waves of water gently lapping at the shorelines, it all takes place so slowly that the immediate effect is almost negligible. But over time, erosion can change the entire landscape.

You can mimic nature to create incredible change in your life too. Instead of aiming for huge lofty goals that might intimidate you, or cause too much shock to your system, you can work towards super small incremental change.

I’m not attempting to dissuade you from pursuing big life-changing ideas or goals, what I am suggesting is that once you’ve decided on your big idea, then use micro activities to get you there. Think of these micro activities as small dreams, or tiny habits, that you can use to work your way towards your bigger goal.

If we stick with the theme of nature for a moment you’ll see that whenever nature makes drastic changes to the environment such as earthquakes or tornadoes, it causes a huge shock to the overall system, and the same is true for you too. If you make a change that’s too big all at once then you’re likely to cause a shock to your system too. And unlike nature, you might not be able to handle it, so you’ll revert back to your old safer ways.

The next time you decide to create a big change in your life, instead of going all in and attempting to brute force your way to your goal. Take a page from nature’s playbook. Use tiny, consistent, negligible, incremental steps and like nature be patient. You won’t see results right away, but like erosion, you’ll eventually see the change you’re looking for.

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Comparison is an act of violence against the self.” Iyanla Vanzant

Which one is better, a rose bush or a tomato plant?

On the surface this might look like an odd comparison, but technically they are both plants. Each one serves a different purpose, although I really don’t know enough about roses and what purpose they serve except beauty, but I digress.

Back to the question of which one is better, and I guess the answer is, it depends on your need. If you’re hungry then the tomato plant is of greater use to you than the rose bush, but if you’re looking to spruce up your living room then roses it is.

Now unless you’re allergic to tomatoes or roses you would have to agree that both are wonderful because of their unique qualities, and that comparing the two is really not a fair comparison.

Secretly I wonder if a rose bush sits in a corner of a garden enviously watching tomatoes ripen and being picked on a regular basis. Sound a little ridiculous? I agree. But so is comparing yourself to others as they bring their unique talents to the world while you frown upon and disregard your own.

Whether you recognize it or not, you have a unique set of gifts and talents which, if you let them, will enable you to fulfill your own needs and serve others. The sooner you realize this, the less time you’ll spend comparing yourself to others and appreciating yourself.

So the next time you find yourself on the slippery slope of wishing you were like someone else, think of the tomato and rose, both bringing their own unique essence and beauty to the world. And you work on doing the same for you too.

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Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. Mother Teresa

What kind of reminders have you set for yourself in your calendar or planner?





What if you could use your calendar to remind you how to feel?

If you’re the kind of person that plows through the day without stopping, only to wake up the next day to do it all over again then setting reminders in your calendar is an ideal way for you find moments to reset.

You might think that setting reminders to tell you how to feel sounds a little manufactured and that emotions should be experienced naturally, and to some extent you’re correct. But what if you’re in an emotional rut?

What if your emotional status has become more of a habit than a natural feeling?

If you have an exercise routine or hobby, you’ve probably scheduled time on your calendar for these activities. And why do you schedule time? The easy answer is because you want to ensure you don’t miss the activity.

But what’s the deeper answer?

You’re engaging in the activity because you hope that in doing so you will either change or improve upon the person you currently are.

The same can work for emotional reminders.

You can set reminders to practice a moment of gratitude, think about a loved one, smile, or something as simple as taking a deep breath. All of these have been proven to improve emotional states.

Look, I know this might seem like a strange idea, or you feel as though you don’t need a reminder to tell you how to feel. And if you’re the kind of person that’s tuned in to your emotions and are consciously using them to benefit you, then you’re correct.

But if you’re the kind of person that tends to fall victim to your own emotions, then what’s the harm in setting a reminder to smile? Best case scenario is that you experienced a positive emotion, worst case, you smiled. Sounds like a win win to me.

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Add Life to Life

It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts. Adlai Stevenson I

What’s the most exciting thing you’re going to do today?

Do you have something you’re looking forward to doing, or are you just putting in the time?

What are you doing to add life to your life?

Adding a little life to your life doesn’t have to be something elaborate. I’m not suggesting you take a daily skydive or swim with the sharks, unless of course that’s what you want to do. What I am recommending is that you do something that takes your breath away, just for a moment. That you do something that brings a smile to your face and your heart beat just a little faster.

There’s nothing wrong with the ho-hum monotony of everyday life; it’s something almost everyone willing participates in. And yes, I say willingly, because there a few amongst us that refuse to do so. We usually refer to them as the misfits, or crazy ones.

But who really are the crazy ones?

The one’s that seek out excitement at every turn, pushing their lives to the limit and squeezing every last ounce of energy from their bodies to do so, or the ones that hoard all the energy life has given them just to live out another monotonous day.

Look, having an exciting moment or two during your day will not make you any less responsible, nor will it derail any grand life plans or goals that you’ve set for yourself. In fact, I can almost guarantee that at the end of your day and even at the end of your life, it’s going to be the moments that made the butterflies in your tummy come alive and your heart flutter just a little faster that will be the memories you’ll savor the most.

Noble Prize winner Nicolas Murray Butler once said “Many peoples’ tombstones should read ‘Died at 30, buried at 60.” As you go through your day today, be mindful of his statement and create opportunities to add life to your life.

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The only journey is the one within. Rainer Maria Rilke


How are you today?

I hope you’re doing well.

I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.

I promise nothing too personal.

Okay, here we go.

  1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want as a dinner guest?
  2. Would you like to be famous? If yes, then in what way?
  3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

I hope you’re still playing along.

  1. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
  2. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else? Can you sing a little for me, right now?
  3. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
  4. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
  5. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

Only two more to go.

  1. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
  2. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

I hope you took the time to answer the questions.

Some of the questions are obviously lighter in nature than others. I designed them that way so you’d experience emotions on both ends of the spectrum.

If you really did take the time to answer all the questions then you should be proud of yourself. The majority of people spend little to no time getting to know themselves, and they plow through life without stopping to think about who they really are and what they want out of life.

Carving out a little time for introspection on a regular basis will allow you to focus on what you want to get out of your life. Yes, the irony is that it’s your life and yet you, like most, probably don’t take your own time to think about it.

The questions I asked you were just a few to get you thinking. Feel free to explore other questions that might help you get to know yourself better. I can guarantee that it’ll be well worth the effort.

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Default Settings

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” ― Nelson Mandela

What are your default settings?

Manufacturers of products almost always recommend changing the default settings to meet the needs of the environment that the product is being used in. Default settings are used to ensure the product works and can be shipped.

At the core, a default setting is a selection automatically used by a program in the absence of a choice made by the user.

‘The absence of choice by the user.’

What an interesting statement.

I hope it’s obvious that in your case, you are the program and the user.

So when do you really have an absence of choice?

Think about it before answering.

Hopefully, you were honest with yourself and answered ‘never.’

You always have a choice, although you might not always like or agree with your options.

Your default settings are a combination of all the lessons you were taught as a child with your family and the experiences you had with your environment. And your settings may have served you well for a while, but what about now?

If they are serving you well, then carry on.

But if not, then refer back to the absence of choice.

You don’t have an absence of choice.

The sooner you can come to terms with the fact that you always have a choice, even though you might not like the consequences, the more liberated you will begin to feel. Because just the thought of not having choices is stifling to your mind, you feel trapped.

Look, they are your default settings and you can keep, discard or change them as much as you want.

Does it take work?


Is it worth the effort?

Well, what are your default settings saying to you right now?

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I Voted

Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power. Lao Tzu

Every a few years you’ll see individual proudly displaying I Voted stickers on their lapels. They’re excited to show that they’ve performed their civic duties by casting their vote for an individual that they deem worthy enough to represent their best interests, an individual that’s closely aligned to their way of thinking.

As you might already know, voting doesn’t only happen at the local, state and federal levels. It also occurs in organizations, schools and, just in case you haven’t realized, it also happens at a personal level.

Now you might be thinking, personal level?

Yes, at a personal level.

You see, when you vote for someone, by pulling a lever, pushing a button, or filling out a ballot, you’re taking an action with the hope that somehow, your life will improve. If this was not the case, then not only you, but no one would vote.

Think about that for a moment?

How does this apply to you at a personal level?

Well, I’m glad you asked.

You see, you’re voting every day. Through your thoughts and actions, you’re voting for the kind of person you want to represent you.

Yes, you’re voting for yourself.

You’re voting for yourself with the hope that you will improve your own life. But at times you forget this is true, and just like in an election, you kind of hope someone else will do it for you. Unfortunately, that rarely happens.

You’ve already been elected to represent yourself. How you choose to think and act are the votes you’ll cast on a consistent basis that will ultimately determine how you govern yourself. Vote wisely.

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Out of Control

Of all men's miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and to have control over nothing. Herodotus

How many things in your life can you really control?

Perhaps the question is a little confusing, so let me give you an example.


Can you control the traffic?

By the way, if you answered yes, then you have a bright future ahead of you.

How about the weather?

Can you control it?

Once you start making a list of all the things you can’t control or even have a slight bit of influence over, you’ll quickly come to the conclusion that the number of things you can control is very small.

But this shouldn’t be depressing, it should be liberating because now you know where to focus your energy.

The number of things individuals can control is not evenly distributed; there are some that have control over more things than others. However, many a time this is more of an illusion than reality. An individual might think or like to believe they have more influence or control than they actually do.

The things that fall right in the middle of what you can control are your health, your mindset and ultimately your perspective. Your relationships might seem to be within your control, but only what you contribute to them, not what you expect them to give back to you.

Knowing and accepting what you really have control over should make life easier if you’re open to it. But if you’re not, that’s okay too. However, the next time it’s raining and you’re stuck in traffic, it might just be a reminder that your control only goes as far as your fingertips.

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You Make Me So

There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself. Henry David Thoreau

You Make Me So

You make me so happy.

You make me smile from ear to ear.

You also make me sad.

In fact, you make me feel all sorts of emotions.

How does it feel to be responsible for my emotions?

Do you enjoy carrying the burden of knowing that you can’t be fully you because you have to be responsible for my emotions?

Yes, I know they’re my emotions, but I’ve decided to make you responsible for them.


Because it makes life easier for me.

Oh, and you do the same to me too. And I’m assuming it’s because it makes life easier for you too.

At some point during our evolutionary journey, we for the most part, collectively decided that we would no longer be responsible for our own emotions, and decided to give control of our emotions to circumstances and people outside of us.

Well, maybe it’s time to claim them back.

Maybe next time, it’s not you make me happy or sad. It’s, I feel a certain way when I see you regardless of what you do. Because now I’m responsible for how I feel about you.

Instead of letting your emotions get constantly tugged around like a loose kite in a storm, begin to take control of them. Realize that every emotion you feel is based on a narrative you’re giving to a situation. When you say, you make me happy, it’s because you’ve told yourself a happy story about a person. That’s why that same person can make you feel sad too.

Just in case you’re still having a hard time believing that it’s not the circumstance or person causing your emotions then let me ask you this. Have you ever looked at a photograph or watched a movie and experienced an emotion? Logically you know that both are inanimate two-dimensional objects. Then what caused you to have an emotion? The story you told yourself about the object.

Look, I’m not suggesting you be unemotional. All I’m saying is that try not to let other people and circumstances control your emotions.

Here, let’s practice.

Instead of saying, you make me so…

Say, I make me so…

Give it a try. If it doesn’t work for you, you can you always go back to giving away control of your emotions to circumstances and people around you.

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Let us realize that: the privilege to work is a gift, the power to work is a blessing, the love of work is success! David O. McKay

What do you have to do today?

What chores, tasks, or work is waiting for you today?

What do you not look forward to doing today?

What if just for today, instead of complaining about or dreading the things you have to do, you consider yourself privileged?

What if you consider yourself lucky, that you get to do the work that’s waiting for you today?

A simple, well maybe not so simple, but definitely doable change of perspective can change the way you see your entire day. All of a sudden all the chores and tasks that lie ahead of you today can seem like opportunities. They begin to beckon you.

The reality is that almost everyone has days that consist of things they really don’t want to do, but have to, so you’re not alone. And complaining about or protesting rarely makes work disappear. Changing your perspective doesn’t make work disappear either, but it might make it more palatable and even, dare I say, enjoyable.

So much of life boils down to perspective and since you have the power to control yours, why not use it to your benefit?

So put a skip in your step today as you get to take out the trash or whistle while you wash the dishes. Add whatever flavor of good spirit you can to all the work you do today. And if you’re having a little trouble doing so then think about this. I can with almost 100% certainty tell you that there’s an uncountable number of people that would switch places with you, just to do, what you get to do.

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Almost There

What we call ’I’ is just a swinging door, which moves when we inhale and when we exhale. ~Shunryu Suzuki

You’re almost there.

Where? You might ask.

Well, I’m really not sure.

But I’m sure of one thing.

You’re almost ready to take your next breath.

If you pay attention you can feel it coming on.

You can feel the sweet cold air flowing through your nose and into your lungs, and then the ever so gentle lowering of your ribcage as you exhale.

I can almost feel it with you.

What a beautiful sensation.

How lucky you are to have made it to your next breath


Well, what would have been the other option?

The seemingly simple act of you breathing in and exhaling out is what’s allowing you to experience life. And although each breath should be appreciated and even celebrated, they’re almost all taken for granted.

So why not stop for a moment and just appreciate the next one coming along?

Here, I’ll do it with you.




How did that feel?

Now if you can find a few brief moments during your day to appreciate your breath you’ll find that it’s almost like hitting pause on your day. You can slow down whatever it is that you’re doing just by focusing on your breathing. Another added benefit is that you’ll also experience a sense of calm and centering. This can be especially helpful if you’re experiencing a stressful situation or emotional tumult because with every breath you’ll experience a passing moment, and whatever it is you’re going through will eventually end, and you’ll know that you’re almost there.

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Step Aside

There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them. Ralph Marston

Step aside please; I’m trying to get through.

That’s not me talking; it’s a little voice in your head.

It’s the version of you that’s trying to breakthrough.

At times you’ll find yourself to be your own worst enemy. You’ll find that you sabotage yourself from accomplishing the things you want to, or know you can.

But why do you do this?

Because you’re afraid.

Of what?

Well, it depends.

You might fear that you’ll leave behind the people you love. Or you fear the unknown of the different or new you.

So what do you do?

You stand in your own way.

And then you make excuses to others and to yourself about why you can’t pursue what you want to.

Imagine for a moment what your life could look like if you unlocked your total potential. If you mustered enough courage to pursue at least a few of the things you’re interested in.

Oh, and before you ask. No, I’m not suggesting you abandon your responsibilities and pursue every passion on a whim.

Look, I understand if you’re not ready to totally step aside and get out of your own way because I know that the idea of doing so can be daunting. But at least occasionally give it a try. No one has to know but you, especially if you step aside a little at a time. And eventually you’ll get used to the new you, and so will those around you.

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The One You Feed

Where Attention goes Energy flows James Redfield

Every emotion you feel is energy.

It’s energy that starts in your mind and if you pay really close attention you can actually feel it move through your body.

Studies have shown that an emotion only has a life span of about 30 to 90 seconds. That’s probably as long as most adults can hold their breath.

So then why does an emotion seem to last longer?

Because you feed it.

You send energy to the emotion, giving it additional life. And in many cases, just as it begins to subside, you feed it again.

Why do you do this?

Well, I can’t answer that for you, but I can speculate.

You do this because you feel justified in doing so.

Because at some level you’re benefitting from the reward the emotion is giving you.

There’s an old Cherokee parable that illustrates my point beautifully.

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life…

“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

“One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

“The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

“This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,

“Which wolf will win?”

The old chief simply replied,

“The one you feed.”

So which emotions are you going to feed, and for how long?

Fortunately for you, that’s a choice you get to make throughout your day.

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw

What did you mean when you said…?

May I please have some clarification?

Or, I can just jump to my own conclusion, which may or may not be correct.

When left to one’s own interpretation, the waters of understanding can get murky very quickly.

You see, very often there’s a distinct difference in what’s being said and what you hear. Just to be clear, this is not your fault. It’s just that because of your compounded experiences you’re prone to hear certain things over others, which in turn also leads you to be more sensitive to some words and phrases.

Although good communication should be considered a shared responsibility, rarely is much attention paid to how we communicate. Very few people actually study communication and just assume that they are communicating clearly, and the things they say will be understood or even worse, should be understood by everyone.

But time and time again there’s evidence to the contrary.

That’s why you’ll so often hear, ‘that’s not what I said,’ and ‘that’s not what I meant.’

So how do you weave your way through this minefield of miscommunication?

You suspend your thinking. Or, even better, you hold back your judgement. You assume that the majority of people talking to you have good intentions and are not out to harm or hurt you emotionally.

Sound difficult?

That’s because it is.

But if you think about it long enough you’ll realize that it’s to your benefit to do so. Because when someone says something that hurts you or that you don’t like, it’s you feeling the pain, not them.

So the next time you find yourself in the middle of a misunderstanding over something someone said to you, try not to judge and with all honesty, seek clarification before assuming mal intent. And hopefully, they’ll learn to do the same for you too.

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What Can I Learn from This?

As long as you live, keep learning how to live. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

What can I learn from this?

This one question can save you a lot of heartaches and prepare you for future challenges if you use it well.

When you find yourself at a standoff with another individual because you’re both holding on to your points of view, ask yourself, what can I learn from this? You might be surprised by your response. Your self-inquiry might prompt you to broaden your perspective and allow you to see something you were closed off to before.

You can also use this question when you’re struggling with a personal challenge. Instead of wishing that your problem go away, ask yourself what you can learn from it. This kind of inquiry might prevent you from similar challenges in the future.

Making a practice of asking yourself what you can learn from situations gives you a very active stance in life. It shifts your frame of mind from aggressor or even victim to one of a learner. You become a student of life.

This little act of self-inquiry will help you gain insights from your experiences instead of just letting them wash over you, and you can then use the insights to stock your arsenal of personal information for use in future situations.

So as you go about your day today, keep this question in the forefront of your mind. If you do, you might just find yourself a little smarter and even perhaps a little wiser than you were yesterday.

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What defines us is how well we rise after we fall. Zig Ziglar

Imagine for a moment if a soccer player attempted to score a goal, missed, and then walked off the field.

Sound a little ridiculous?

Because it is.

It’s not what we expect the soccer player or any other athlete to do. We expect the players to push on until the end, even if there’s little to no chance that they’ll win. And once the season is over we expect them to come back and do it all over again the next year.

We expect the companies that we admire to compete quarter after quarter, year after year regardless of the state of the economy.

There’s a deep admiration for the level of persistence and tenacity we have for individuals when they are facing setbacks.

Almost everyone loves the story of the comeback kid, or the underdog. The story of the person that doesn’t quit, regardless of the setbacks they encounter.

What if you could make this your story?

What if you make an agreement with yourself that you too will never give up, regardless of the setbacks you encounter?

This doesn’t mean you stick with failing projects regardless of what happens, or you continue do things that aren’t bringing you fulfillment. What it means is that you develop an inner strength and resilience towards the setbacks you encounter.

You become the comeback kid, the revered underdog of your own story. You learn to pick yourself up, take the time you need to recover from your setback and commit to moving forward again.

Understand that missing goals is part of life; just learn to stay on the field after you do so.

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When any situation arises which tempts you to become disturbed,say: "There is another way of looking at this." Helen Schucman

The emotions you’re feeling right now are temporary.

Whatever you’re experiencing right now is temporary.

Whether you think it’s good or bad, it’s still temporary.

Rarely are moments that follow each other identical. It’s your response to the moments that make them feel the same.

At times, especially when life gets challenging, it might seem as though you’re mired within a situation that’s unchanging. But the reality is, it’s changing all the time. You’re just stuck playing your old response on a mental loop. I’ll admit it’s difficult to realize this is true, but it is.

Hopefully there will be many times in your life where you’ll experience such immense pleasure, you’ll wish for time to stand still. That the joy you’re experiencing in that moment would never end, but it will. And then, there will be times when you’ll wish just the opposite.

Coming to grips with the fact that moments are changing faster than you can comprehend is both challenging and freeing. Challenging because at times it can be hard to believe that whatever you’re experiencing is temporary. But once you do believe it to be true then you’re free, because you know and realize that how you feel in the next moment is not based on what’s happening around you, but more importantly, how you’re responding to the moment in your mind.

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What Do You Worship?

“Gratitude is the light that leads you out of the darkness.” - Suriya

What does it feel like to worship problems?

To build an alter in your mind to all the things that are inconveniencing or are not going well in your life?

To wake up every day and give your best energy to all that’s wrong in your life?

What if instead you worshiped your blessings?

What if you worked hard on the habit of directing your first precious waking moments to all that’s well in your life?

What would your life look and feel like if the first thought you have every morning is thank you?

It really doesn’t matter what you’re grateful for, just starting with gratitude guarantees that you’ll launch your day in a different direction.

There are those around you that would argue that problems need to be focused on in order for them to be solved, and to some extent I agree with them. But problems come in different flavors, shapes and sizes.

There are the big problems of world hunger and poverty, there are problems you might experience at work and then there are the ones that irritate or inconvenience you.

You know the ones I’m talking about.

The ones that fall in the category of, if everything just went your way then life would be so much easier. These are the problems that tend to be worshipped every day. And the more you direct your mind towards these problems, the more they grow in size, and soon enough they begin to interfere with you seeing all the good things in your life.

How you decide to spend your energy is obviously up to you. However, do keep mind that on a daily basis you have a limited amount of energy and the fuse you light first thing in the morning will tend to burn brighter throughout your day. So, do you want your day to be seared with the heat of your problems, or do you want bask in the glow of gratitude? The choice is yours.

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What Kind of Person?

As you think, so shall you become. Bruce Lee

What kind of person are you?

I’m not referring to your age, blood type, gender, what you do for a living or any other such description. But if you’re confused then let me rephrase the question.

What kind of person do you think you are?

Still a little stuck?

Ok. Then finish this sentence.

I’m the kind of person that is…

Now use whatever adjectives you want and describe yourself.

Are you playing along?

I hope so, because this little exercise might just change your life.

You see, the words you use to describe yourself will begin to determine many of your outcomes in life. Since this might sound a little vague, I’ll give you a more solid example.

If you heard someone say this phrase, ‘I’m the kind of person that’s healthy.’ How would you expect to see that person behaving? You might see them make wise choices regarding food, or perhaps engage in an exercise program, or any other number of things that would align with their image of personal health.

When you set goals or desire particular outcomes in life it’s easy to get derailed because of the amount of effort it takes to stay focused and on track. But if you begin to align your identity with the outcome you’re seeking then it helps remove some of the will power required to achieve a goal. Think of your personal statement of, ‘I’m the kind of person that,’ as checkpoint on a journey. Every so often when you veer of course you can use your personal statement as way to get back on track.

Try it today. If you have a life goal or something else you want to accomplish, then create a statement for yourself describing the kind of person you would have to be in order to achieve it. Now use this phrase daily to remind you of the person you have to be in order to get there.

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