Get Good Grades

Do you remember the kind of grades you made in school?

How much of who you are and what you do today is influenced by those grades?

If you walk the hallways of any school or college you can see the weight of getting good grades etched in to the faces of the students. Rarely are they told that the grades that they are working so hard for does not define their full potential but only their ability to perform in that moment.

Those that do well carry their A’s as a sense of pride to their homes and in to the future, whereas those with C’s and D’s shrink with shame hoping no one notices.

The modern day grading system was created in 1792 by William Farish, a tutor in England. He created it so that he could process more children through the classroom in a shorter amount of time. The grading system that he adopted originated in shoe factories to determine if the shoes made on assembly lines were ‘up to grade.’

So, essentially a system to grade inanimate objects was taken in the name of efficiency and implemented to grade children and determine their future.

If you’ve let the grades you received in school define your capabilities and it’s worked out well for you then fantastic, but if you’ve gone through life thinking that you don’t have certain abilities because you weren’t good in school then perhaps it’s time to reconsider. Remember, grades are only one tiny measure of the entire capabilities of any individual.

Thank You

Thank you.

Simple as they may seem, these are powerful words and when said with conviction and sincerity can create change beyond your imagination.

Today I say to you – Thank you.

Thank you for your support, comments and ideas. They have given me the courage and motivation I needed to finally publish my book.

The book is titled For You, From Me and is a collection of blog posts that have resonated with individuals over these past two years.

So again I say to you, thank you because you changed my life and hopefully my gratitude will inspire you to say thank you to someone that changed your life too.

The Research Trap

Are you in the research trap?

Do you need to find out one more thing before you start?

Research is often used as a shield to hide behind, to buy time because of the fear of taking action.

No doubt that if you’re creating something that has life and death consequences then you need to conduct as much research as possible, but that’s rarely the case for most people.

Yes, research is necessary, but too much can actually be intimidating.

The good thing is that ALL the research doesn’t have to be done upfront, in fact it’s probably better that you make it part of your process since information can change with time.

If you’ve really been moved to start something new and have been endlessly researching how to do it then take the first step. Get out of the research trap because you’ll learn so much from the action you take.

It Must Be Nice

What thoughts come to mind when you hear someone say ‘it must be nice?’

Does it come across as genuine or are the words hiding other emotions?

Do you ever catch yourself saying it must be nice?

What do you really mean?

Must be nice usually comes with the perception that something has come easy to an individual or even that they are undeserving yet things still seem to work out for them.

The phrase also conveys hints of envy and resentment towards another’s good fortune.

The next time you think or hear the phrase used, imagine how you would feel if someone directed those words towards you. Think about all you had to do to accomplish something only for it to be downplayed by someone saying, it must be nice.

Baby Steps

Do you know the great secret behind baby steps?

They actually work.

You see, when a baby is able to successfully take a step or two it builds confidence which then leads to steps three and four.

Fortunately this works for adults too.

The problem with adults is that they think baby steps are beneath them, so they don’t take them.

Instead they jump right in thinking they can do any activity or skill at an ‘adult’ level, only to quickly realize they can’t and so they quit.

Then there are also the embarrassment and ego factors that come in to play. Embarrassment from having to start at the beginning and ego saying you should be better than this.

If you can put aside embarrassment and ego and work on taking baby steps in any new endeavor you’ll very quickly realize how powerful they are.

Your confidence will begin to grow as you get better and there might even come a time when you’ll be able to skip a step or two.

So take a baby step today towards something you want to improve or start anew. Remember, you were once an expert baby, so put that experience to use again.

Room for Improvement

When the feedback, progress report or appraisal comes back with ‘room for improvement’ how do you feel?

Do you get defensive or do you embrace it?

If room for improvement means that there’s the potential or capacity to get better, then why do so many associate it as being a bad thing?

It’s because room for improvement is usually negatively tied to a grade or compensation.

Educators and employers have unfortunately created generations of individuals that fear the words room for improvement.  When in reality, room for improvement is one of the best things that can be said about a person.

Imagine a world where the initial software program for a product was the only one ever released. You’d discard that product and the company would be ridiculed and would very quickly disappear.

Think of room for improvement as your own continuous software upgrades.

You are a work in progress and will always have room for improvement. So don’t shy away from it, use it to your advantage.



It’s terminal.

That was the diagnosis.

The room was quiet except for the rhythmic beat of the monitors.

They weren’t sure how to respond since this was not what they had expected to hear.

But in their hearts they understood the diagnosis and appreciated the candid, honest manner in which it was delivered.

They had a decision to make.

How would they spend the time they were given?

As they held their newborn baby, they knew the countdown clock of life had started.

The race was on. The doctor was right.

The diagnosis of life is terminal.

Until proven otherwise, the clock is counting down for all of us. We all have a terminal condition.

This is not to say that you should focus on death, in fact quite the opposite because it’s guaranteed so thinking about it is wasted time.

Focus on living.

Focus on doing everything you can to really appreciate life and making the most of the time you have. Empty your days, filling your life.


Kryptonite was the fictional material that was able to drain Superman of his strength.

What is your kryptonite?

What people, environments and activities add to, or drain from your mental and physical energy levels?

How can you experience more of the positive and less of the negative?

You can start by learning to attune yourself to how your energy levels feel when you are engaged in activities or with people. Your body has the ability to read the environment and provide you with sensations and signals that enable you to distinguish between positive and negative energy.

Removing yourself from energy draining activities is an ideal situation but not always possible. So, if you find yourself having to be in toxic environments then you can learn to anchor your mind to thoughts that bring you pleasure. You can also learn to detox your mind after dealing with people that negatively affect your energy.

The key is to learn to listen and feel your energy. Identify your kryptonite. And move away from it as much as you can so you can preserve your superpowers.


What does being better mean to you?

How do you experience your desire to be better?

The desire to look better, feel better, live better?

Everyone you know is trying to get better.

When questioned, even those that look like they have given up, secretly have a desire to be better.

They are trying because it’s the human condition. It’s what has enabled us to survive as a species.

The problem with the constant desire for better is that it can breed discontent. Discontent between how you are today versus where you want to be.

Your ability to deal with feelings of discontent as you work towards being better is skill worth developing because it will be your best friend on your journey to getting better.


How long does a juggler juggle?

I know, it sounds like a riddle but it’s not.

You’ve probably watched a juggler juggle only for a few minutes before stopping. And jugglers are experts at focusing on many things at once.

So what about you?

How many things to do try to focus on at one time?

Distraction or unfocused attention consumes higher amounts of your brains energy when you are trying to complete a single task. And the quality of the task at hand also suffers.

Try focusing on one thing for as little as 20 minutes. If just the thought of 20 minutes uninterrupted time sounds too long and causes you anxiety then that’s something you should consider looking in to.

Your ability to focus on a given task even for a short period of time without interruptions is highly effective and is a great way to increase your productivity without extra effort.

Bookend Your Days

What are the first and last thoughts of your day?

What are your first and last words of your day?

How do you bookend your days?

Think of the first and last minutes of your day as critical points on a journey that will dictate the direction of your thoughts.

Summoning words and thoughts of endearment, kindness and love towards yourself and others gives you sense of calm and well-being.

Meditating for a moment on feelings of gratitude and love has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn is great for your overall physical health too.

Make an effort to consciously bookend your days, it doesn’t cost anything but few minutes of daily exercised thoughts away from negative feelings and influences. And that can’t be a bad thing.

You’ve Changed

When was the last time someone said to you “you’ve changed?”

I can almost guarantee that the words were not used in a positive context.

Whenever you decide to behave in a way that confronts how people closest to you view you, you will feel the pressure to remain the same.

You see, the world around you needs you to remain stable so it can categorize you. And you oblige by staying in your groove until it becomes a rut.

Do you know studies have shown in some cases when one partner in a relationship loses weight the other partner can’t handle it. This happens because there is a change in behavior that is outside the norm of the relationship.

This is the reason that if you’ve ever traveled alone or spent time away from your environment you’re able to take on a different persona. Because your new, temporary location doesn’t have any notion or expectation of who you are.

The next time someone tells you ‘you’ve changed,’ you can choose to fight against it and argue why you haven’t, or you can embrace it, knowing that you’re working hard to do so.

Take a Step Back

Take a minute to imagine your perfect day.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Did you do it?

If you didn’t then why not?

“If you want to accomplish something, you must first expect it of yourself.”

Sit with this Wayne Dyer quote for a moment.

Do you take time out to expect things of yourself?

Are you always moving from to do, to the next to do without stopping and asking why?

Constantly moving from one task or activity to the next doesn’t allow you to gain any perspective on the bigger picture of life. It’s like viewing the world through microscope.

If you want to live a life where you feel you have influence over your choices, you have to allow yourself time to stop and take a step back.

Step back to give yourself time to imagine, consider and think about what you want to accomplish and then as Wayne so eloquently said “expect it of yourself.”

The Challenge of On Demand

In a world that this moving towards all your personal needs being met on demand, personalized and delivered instantly what happens to patience?

What happens to your ability to give another person a few seconds to respond to your question before you reach for your phone because they’re taking too long?

What happens to your ability to spend time on a project because it is taking too long?

What happens when you begin to expect everything now?

You see, even though your brain has the fantastic ability to adapt to its environment sometimes the adaptation can become a liability.

Getting used to everything being on demand erodes your ability to exercise patience. And patience is an integral part of being human.

Patience with people, patience with projects and even patience with yourself is a skill that will serve you well and should be practiced.

Perhaps you can learn to summon patience, on demand.

Mastering the Beginner

Who isn’t a professional beginner?

Well, at one time we were all professional beginners and some still are.

When you decide that being a beginner is no longer for you, then you limit your possibilities.

Don’t shy away from being a beginner, embrace it. In fact, be so brave as to run towards it.

Yes, you will feel awkward at first, but that’s part of the process. If fact, when you hear the story of any person that has mastered their field, you will often hear them say ‘at first I had no idea what I was doing.’

Your ability to master the uncertainty of being a beginner will exponentially increase your life experiences because you will not be afraid to try new things.

Remember, you were once a beginner at walking, talking and even thinking for yourself yet with practice and time you were able to master those critical skills that keep you alive.

Becoming a master at being a beginner is a freeing feeling. Own it proudly because ultimately it will enrich your life.

The Invisible Cage

How do you escape from an invisible cage?

If you can’t see it then how do you know it exists?

Well, there’s proof it does exist.

And the proof is in the feeling you get when you hear the little voice in your head say “what will they think?”

Does it sound familiar?

If you listen carefully you can hear it right now.

It’s warming up for the day, just waiting for you to think about doing something. That’s right, you just have to think about doing something and the voice will jump in to action.

You will hear it in its full authority.

“You’re going to wear that?’ “What will they think?”

“You’re going say that?” “What will they think?”

“You’re going to do that?” “What will they think?”

And over time each time the voice says “what will they think?” another bar of the invisible cage will seal your fate. Until finally your entire existence will be based on ‘what will they think.’

And one day you’ll wake up and realize they weren’t thinking about you at all, because they were too busy thinking about themselves and what you think about them.

Power of Conversation

When the last time you were so engrossed in conversation that time became inconsequential and you didn’t’ check your phone or watch?

It’s challenging these days to carve out time because of the number of tasks and over commitments that we’ve become accustomed to. But rushing through every interaction with only the next thing in mind will create a hollow feeling for you and the people you’re communicating with.

Shallow conversations are easy to have, but they don’t allow you experience the essence of the person you’re speaking to.  And it is in understanding essence of an individual that allows you develop empathy, appreciation and bond with another person.

Research shows that making time for meaningful uninterrupted conversations are essential for long term well-being. So the next time you have the opportunity to have a conversation, put away your phone, forget about the next thing you have to do, lean in and enjoy the moment. You and the person you’re with will both benefit from the experience.

X Factor

What’s 2 +2?

100 + 100?

It’s about to get harder.



When you see a person behaving a certain way, all you see is the 1 in the equation. The X represents a set of unknowns, the X represents their unique experiences that are driving them to make decisions they believe to be correct.

It’s easy to assume you know why a person is acting the way they are, but what about when it comes to you?

How do you feel when someone makes an assumption about your behavior because that’s all they see in the moment?

Every individual is a complex decision making machine and it’s almost impossible to know why people really do what they do, so ruminating about why a person is acting the way they are is a waste of your imagination.

Remember, the person next to you is just as complicated as you and they are ultimately acting in a way they believe is best for them, as you are too.

Here for a Reason

Where would you be if you weren’t here right now?

Think about it for minute.

There is no other alternative.

You are exactly where you are meant to be.

Once you surrender to the fact that you are here for a reason, life takes on a new essence. You will begin to stop resisting and pushing back against situations that you think are happening to you and realize that life is happening for you.

Surrendering doesn’t mean you give up and stop pursuing dreams and goals. It means that you accept both the good and bad, the wins and losses as you move forward.

The question about why you are here will rarely be obvious, and only in hindsight will you be able to connect the dots and see that you were here for a reason.

You Don’t Need Fixing


Which of these messages are triggers for you?

If you don’t look a certain way then you’re not…

If you don’t wear a certain brand then you’re not…

If you don’t drive a certain car then you’re not…

If you don’t earn a certain amount then you’re not…

If you don’t behave a certain way then you’re not…

All these messages convey that you’re less than unless you participate in what they’re selling.  The underlying message is that you need fixing and are incomplete without them.

The truth is that these are all perpetual traps that lead nowhere.

Refrain from being lured in to believing that you need external confirmation to make you complete on the inside.

Practice turning your attention and energy inward and focusing on what’s inside you. You will quickly find that you don’t need fixing and are wonderful just the way you are.