Fingers Crossed

Is having your fingers crossed your strategy for getting the things you want?

I know this sounds ridiculous but it really is how many people operate.  They hope that somehow, something will magically happen that will make them happier, healthier, wealthier and whatever other ‘ier’ they want in their lives.

Nothing you want in your life is just going to happen, even if you wait long enough. You have to be the catalyst, the reason for the things, both emotional and physical to appear in your life.

Study and research the things in life you want so that you learn how to bring them in to existence. And resolve today to uncross your fingers and commit to making a plan to creating the life you want.

The Mover Advantage

Are you familiar with the phrase ‘first mover advantage?’

Essentially what it means is that if you have a product or service and are first to market it with then you have an advantage because you have little or no competition.

There’s also a ‘second mover advantage’ which you might have heard of. In this case you get to learn from the market leader, copy what they did well and beat them at their own game. It’s also known as the second mouse gets the cheese because the first mouse got smacked by the mousetrap.

And yes, there’s even a ‘last mover advantage.’ This is where there have been so many improvements that the last mover can take advantage of all the combined learnings and save time and money from avoiding the mistakes that the first and second movers have committed.

However, there is not a ‘no mover advantage.’ And you might think this is obvious, but how much are you moving towards what you want?

Are you actively taking steps physically and mentally to gain your advantage or are you sitting, stagnant, waiting?

Start moving today towards the life you want. Make a plan and work on it. Move, move, move and you’ll see the advantages come your way.

Be Grateful

What can you be grateful for today?

Actively seeking opportunities to be grateful can shift your entire perspective about your day, especially if you learn to be grateful for the little things in your life, the ones you usually take for granted.

Be grateful for things like running hot water and electricity on demand because there are still billions of people that don’t have reliable or in some cases any access to these luxuries.

Be grateful for your health. Even if you do suffer from the occasional ailment, the fact that you are alive and still experience life is definitely something to be grateful for.

Be grateful for family, friends or any other relationships that add to your life.

Being grateful allows you to build a foundation of positive feelings for all that you currently have and experience. Begin to actively practice gratitude and you will find that it will help you deal with the challenges and problems you face in everyday life.

Your Natural Gifts

What are you really good at?

I mean so good at it that people tell you that you’re good, or they say that they wish they were as good as you at this one particular thing. Do you embrace what they say or do you discount or negate it as anyone can do it?

More than likely you have a handful of skills that come to you naturally; these are your natural talents, your gifts. However, because they are second nature to you, you take them for granted and assume that everyone has them too. So you neglect to leverage them for your benefit.

Somewhere in the world there are successful people that have similar gifts as you and the only difference between them and you is that they have learned how to leverage and ultimately capitalize on their natural gifts.

Make a list of things that people have told you that you’re good at and identify the ones that come the easiest to you. These are your natural gifts and you should spend time improving them because then you can design your life around doing what you’re good at.

Handling Pressure and Stress

How do you handle pressure?

The pressure that comes from dealing with relationships, work, finances etc. can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you’re the kind of person that tends to combine them all in your head as one big ball.

However, pressure and stress are a natural part of the growth cycle. Everything you see in nature that has existed over time has undergone tremendous amounts of pressure and stress. Pressure and stress are the twin forces that have been responsible for the fittest and the most adaptable to continue to survive and thrive.

Journaling can be a great way to deal with stress because you are able to get the things that are causing you stress out of your head and out on to paper which can very often lead to giving you a new perspective on your problems and lead to new solutions.

The twins are never going to go away they will just change over time depending on your stage in life. So, instead of wishing that you have less pressure it’s wiser to spend your time developing coping mechanisms that can help you deal with it.

Energy for You

Where will you spend your energy today?

Will you spend it on things that really matter to you or will you give it away to every request and distraction that comes your way?

The majority of people remain in a reactive state just waiting for the next demand on their energy until their too tired to do anything else and they’re off to sleep. If at the end of the day you took a few minutes just to evaluate how you spent your energy you’d probably see that very little of it was actually spent on you.

Taking just a little time out throughout the day to focus your energy on yourself will give you sense of control over your own life, and can also prevent you from feeling like a victim of circumstance. Make it a daily practice to carve out a few minutes during the day to focus your energy on what you’re doing and how you’re feeling.  After all, it is your energy so shouldn’t you spend some of it on you?

Give More

Will owning one more thing really alter the trajectory of your life?

If you gave away some of what you currently own could it change someone else’s life?

Owning possessions just beyond what you need is understandable because it provides a sense of security, but when you get to the point where you no longer remember or even use what you currently own then perhaps it’s an opportunity to ask yourself if you really need more.

Creating a practice of continuous contribution will not only help you declutter your home, it helps shape your identity as a person that is also willing to give to others. Contribution can give you a deeper fulfillment that buying rarely does.

Make a regular practice giving away things you no longer need or use. Take a step today and find 3 things that someone else could use and give them away. Your home and your mind will feel better for it.


How much time do you spend being angry at a person or an event?

How do you justify the length of time of your anger?

Do you have an equation in your head that tells you to stay angry for a minute, day or even years based on the thing that made you angry?

Anger is a funny thing because although it is a healthy emotion and there is a reason for its existence, staying angry indicates that you are either re-living the incident that made you angry or thinking about an event that might happen in the future.

If you choose to continually re-live events from the past then I strongly suggest you choose the ones that made you happy. For no other reason than they are better for your overall well-being. And if you’re choosing to be angry about something that might happen in the future, well that’s as ridiculous as it sounds.

Grab a pen and paper and make a list of all the reasons you’re angry at a person or event. Now eat the list! Just kidding! Study the list and ask yourself if there might be other ways to express how you’re feeling or even if it’s worth spending any more of your energy being angry.

Show Yourself

Do you tolerate other people’s crappy behavior just so that they’ll invite you back?

Do you make excuse for why you don’t speak up just so that you they’ll think you’re one of them?

Do you pretend to be one of them when you know deep down that you’re not? Why?

Why do you keep pretending to be someone you’re not? Are you afraid you’ll be alone?

Pretending to be someone you’re not is going to tear you apart. You’re going to continuously struggle to balance your multiple personalities. So the sooner you stop the easier your life will be.

Take a stand for you who are and for what you believe. At first you might not get invited back by the people you thought were your friends, but over time you’ll find people that want and love for the real you to show up. You’ll build relationships on you who you are. You’ll find your tribe.

Make commitment today to start sharing more of who you really are and to stop hiding behind the fear of being rejected. You might be surprised at just how many people want more of the real you.

Seed of Thought

Have you ever had your thoughts controlled by someone else?

Well today I’m going to take over a small part of your brain. For some of you it’ going to be only for a few hours but for the rest of you it’s going to be for a long time. I’m giving you fair warning, so you can stop reading now or continue at your own risk.

Okay, are you ready? From this moment on every time you see a Silver car you are going to smile.

That’s it, I’m done. I have now planted a seed in your brain that quite possibly will live in your brain forever. Years from now you when you see a silver car you will find yourself smiling and not quite remember why.

Now you might be curious as to why I did this to you. And the answer is that I want you be aware of all the information you expose yourself to and how many people with bad intentions are also planting seeds and ideas in your brain. Also how vulnerable your brain is to being influenced.

Today as you’re out and about smiling at silver cars think about the other sources of information you expose yourself to how your thoughts are being influenced.

What matters to you?

What would you do if you could spend your time today doing anything you wanted to?

If you had no demands on your time from work or family obligations what would you do today? Indulge me for a minute and think about it.

Those of you that did spend a minute thinking about it will experience a slight yet beneficial boost in your mood and energy levels. And those of you that didn’t play along should really ask yourselves, why not?

After all, I only asked you to commit a minute of your time to think about something that would make you happy and is important to you.

If you cannot commit to 60 seconds to think about what you would like to do with your time then it really is time to re-evaluate your life. Because, any real inspiration you feel in your life is going to be based on you thinking about how you want to spend your time.

I know that deep down you want your time and ultimately your life to matter, because most people do. So please do take that minute I asked for earlier to think about what you would do with your time because at the root of those thoughts you will find what matters to you.

I’m Proud of You

When was the last time you told someone that you’re proud of them?

When was the last time someone told you that they are proud of you?

Well, today I’m telling you that I’m proud of you.

I’m proud of you for showing up and doing your best.

I’m proud of you for taking care of yourself.

I’m proud of you for being such a great friend.

I’m proud of you for working so hard.

I’m proud of you for the way you handle the bad times and for the way you create the good one.

Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that a person you love is whispering in your ear how proud they are of you. How does it feel to hear those words being said to you? If it feels good then take the opportunity to pass those feelings along by telling someone else how proud you are of them.

Your DNA

Do you know that the first humans that settled in South America walked there from Asia?

They walked across the original Siberian land bridge that connected the continents and made their way south. And you share the same DNA as those first humans.

You also share the same DNA as the humans that set sail from distant shores and made their way sailing around the world, often spending months in the search of new land.

You share the same DNA as the people that came together to put a man on the moon.

People just like you have beaten all kind of odds and have overcome tremendous obstacles to reach destinations they never knew were possible.

Your DNA contain seeds of greatness and can take you places you that you can’t even imagine are possible, if? If you let it. If you let your DNA live up to its potential it will perform miracles.  So, unshackle your DNA and let it live, let it explore, let it drive you forward.

The End comes after the Beginning

Do you ever just want to be done with something, but you haven’t even started it yet?

Do you imagine the end of a project, a goal reached, something important finally completed but you haven’t taken the first step to doing so?

We all want feel that sense of accomplishment, but we can’t until we start.

The reason the end comes after the beginning is because that is the natural order of things. You have to go from 1 to 2, and 2 is twice as much as 1 so the effort required to getting there is also twice as much.  But sometimes when you take the first step the sheer momentum can sometimes carry you forward to the next step.

Sometimes your small steps will seem trivial and small, almost as if they are half steps, but the compound effect of your small steps will accumulate over time. Take a half step today towards one of your goals or projects that you’ve been thinking about doing. You might feel a little unnatural or even scared at first but the minute you take your first step you will no longer be the person you were yesterday.

Measuring Progress

How do you measure progress?

This was a question someone recently asked me and my response was that progress can only be measured if you know where you are right now.

The problem with this is that most people don’t take the time to evaluate their current state. And there are reasons they don’t. Some don’t want to know, others think it takes too much time, while some assume that because they’re moving they are progressing.

By definition progress is the movement towards a destination. So, if you don’t know where you are and where you’re going then progress is almost impossible to measure.

Now there are times when it’s okay to just wander or go on a classic ‘walk about’ without a destination in mind because much can be learned from those experiences too, but if you’re looking for progress then you’re going to need to be more specific.

Measuring progress is not hard as long as you know what you are moving towards. However, slow progress can be challenging because you need a certain degree of mental fortitude to continue on. And usually the bigger the goal or destination the slower the progress feels. Take a step today of measuring progress in one area of your life by evaluating where you are, where you’d like to be and how you’ll get there.

Be You

Do you ever spend any time remembering who you were as a child?

Somewhere deep inside you are the traces of the kid that believed anything was possible. There are traits that you have suppressed because you were told you had become an adult. You had to fit the mold that others designed for you.

Some of the traits that you have suppressed are your natural given abilities and you never allowed them to ever come to fruition. Because for whatever reason, whether external or internal you decided that those traits would not be accepted or would not be beneficial in adulthood.

The unfortunate thing is that at your core those traits, like weeds will always be trying to surface and you will spend your entire life fighting them. So why not embrace them?

What were those things that you enjoyed doing so much as a child that the world could have stopped and you wouldn’t have noticed?

The desire to do those activities are still somewhere inside you. Make a list today of all the things you used to enjoy doing, you’ll see that it probably isn’t a very long list. Choose one of the activities and find a way to incorporate it back into your life. I guarantee that when you do you’ll find yourself grinning from ear to ear just like you used to as a kid.

Build more Relationships

Do you actively build relationships with people or do you wait for them to happen by chance?

Over the years the word networking has taken on a negative connotation, but that’s because most approach it in a transactional, ‘what’s in it for me?’ mentality. In reality, networking is about building relationships.

Relationships with people are really everything we have and connecting with people is what we are naturally driven to do. However, in today’s digital age so many have a better relationship with their screens than they do with the people around them. They’ve come to believe that the virtual interactions are a replacement for real ones.

Actively seeking opportunities to interact in person with people can enhance your personal and professional life. It will add depth to who you are as a person because it will force you to grow as you continuously step out of what you know and are used to.

As with any new behavior, actively seeking out new people to talk to takes some practice and will seem uncomfortable at first. But as you get better at it you’ll realize that majority of people you meet either have or had the same apprehension about new meeting people as you.  Take an active step this week of meeting one new person, and when you do just relax and be yourself.

Stay Curious

When was the last time you researched something you were interested in? Or tried to find out just how something worked, even if it wasn’t directly related to your job?

Many have had the habit of being curious trained out of them. The repeated schooling of don’t ask too many questions and don’t be wrong has removed so much of the natural curiosity that humans have. The fear of being wrong has also contributed the decline in curiosity.

Maintaining a healthy amount of curiosity is a great first step to having an open mind and a growth mindset. Reading and learning about things that are unrelated to your everyday life is also a great way to stoke your curiosity. Being curious also has the benefit of moving your mind from a passive state to an active one. One in which you are asking questions.

Take some time out today to be intentionally curious. Try a new food, talk to a stranger or read about something that ordinarily you would have no interest in and ask questions, lots of questions. See what new possibilities you can discover behind your curiosity.


Do you know that everything you see around you is a form of energy, including you?

And you are nothing but an energy conversion machine.

Your total existence is based on your ability to convert the suns energy. And 99% of the time you have little or no control how the energy is converted. Your body is a fantastic machine and it performs all the energy conversion automatically.

The 1% of energy you do have some input towards is your thoughts, and even then, not all the time. Most of your thoughts are created by your sub-conscious so again you really have control of less than 1%.

So, how are you directing the little energy you do have control over? That little bit of energy that you have control over can move the other 99% of you to do miraculous things. So take full advantage of your current form of energy and use it well while you still have control over it.

Slow Down

When you ask someone, ‘how are you?’ do you really slow down to listen to their answer?

When you’re eating, do you slow down to really enjoy and appreciate the food?

When you’re working, do you slow down to really think about what you’re doing?

Slowing down is an art. It’s a conscious effort than change the way you see and experience the world. Slowing down gives you the opportunity to really observe what’s going on around you and will give you insights that are missed by most.

Slowing down doesn’t mean stop pursuing what you want. In fact, slowing down can often improve your focus.

The never ending allure of the next deal, the next opportunity, the next dollar, the next person, the next website will always be there. So stop rushing towards them.

Try this today. Have a cup of coffee, tea or beverage of your choice in a ceramic mug or glass. Wrap your hands around the beverage and focus on how long it takes for the temperature of the container to warm or cool down to match the temperature of your hands. And during this time, slow down and just observe the world around you.