Motivational quote by Anais Nin

What if the way you think about another person were actually thoughts that redirected back to you?

Just like a well-thrown boomerang, your launched thought is now circling right back towards you.

If you believe that we’re all connected and originate from the same source, then technically, this is true.

Whenever you think negatively or positively about someone else, you’re thinking the same thing about yourself.

This doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t feel emotions when people behave a certain way because emotions are part of the human experience and add color to your life. What I’m talking about is more along the lines of conscious thinking.

When you’re going through your day and thinking about people, what do you say about them in your mind?

You know, when you’re in that moment when you conjure up a name in your mind, and you say they are…-that’s the instant.

That’s your opportunity right there.

That’s the moment when whatever you’re about to say about them – you’re about to say about yourself?

Is it possible or realistic to only have good thoughts about other people?

I can’t answer that for you.

But why not give it a try?

Ultimately, you can consider it a selfish act because those good thoughts are boomeranging back to you.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, do me a favor and share it with one person you love.