What’s on your agenda for today?
The same old same?
The rinse and repeat of another day.
If you let it, life can very quickly become monotonous. And that’s okay because there’s nothing inherently wrong with monotony. Many people find comfort and safety in the predictability and routine of monotony. If you’re one of those people, then you can save time by not reading any further.
However, if you’re feeling stagnant because of your monotonous routine, then what are you going to do about it?
Yes, breaking out of a daily rut is your responsibility.
Did you think I was going to do it for you?
Okay, fine. I’ll give you a few suggestions, but you’ll have to do the work.
One way to break the monotony is to step way out of your comfort zone. Find an activity or identify a challenge that is foreign to your everyday routine. When you do this, you’ll find that your heightened sense of anticipation and, in some cases, fear will force you to act differently.
Another way to break monotony is to associate with different people. Break away from your current network of friends and associates and actively seek out people you wouldn’t normally interact with. Again, being around different people will allow you to be different.
And my last suggestion is a planned adventure. This doesn’t have to be weekly or daily, but plan an activity that draws you away from your daily routine at least once a month. Your activity doesn’t have to be expensive or require intense planning. It could be as simple as exploring a local walking trail that you’ve never visited.
So, if you’re tired of the monotonous and mundane routine of everyday life, instead of complaining or suffering through it, break free from it. Find ways to infuse your life with adventure and excitement. Remember what I said earlier, breaking out of your rut is your responsibility.
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